
2019/03/12 星期二 晴
Mar 12:
Ying was sorry to damage her trousers, but she was having fun.What did trousers matter when they did not know whether they would live or die?
She skipped and jumped down the slope, carried by sand that flowed like water. She felt invigorated, more relaxed than she had in a long time.
She shouted with excitement, and sandy gully suddenly came alive. Infected by Ying,'s excitement, LanLan stopped worrying about her trousers and began to slide too.
The shouting blew away days of depression。.
At the bottom of the slope, they brushed the sand off and start to laugh. Living under other people's gaze for so many years, they had never had a chance to let off steam like this.
Who would have thought that, in such dire straits, they would have started behaving like young girls again.
They celebrated their cheerful mood with a gulp of cooking oil each.(page 210-211)
~An except from Selected Stories by Xuemo
Author: Xuemo, translated by Nicky Harman.
许久了, 还没这么轻松呢。她兴奋地叫着。沉寂的沙洼顿时鲜活了。兰兰也被感染了,她也不管啥裤子不裤子了,也坐在沙上溜下。两人都兴奋地叫着,把几天来的沉闷叫没了。
(After a while, Ying had second thoughts. If she really did wear a hole in the seat of her trousers, it would be embarrassing when she got to the salt-pans and had to face people.
She turned over,and, facing downwards, began to swim down on her stomach. Her body made swishing sounds with every stroke.
She got sand in her clothes, and the itching felt strangely pleasant. Lan Lan started to swim down too, and the gully echoed to their shouts.
The sudden elation washed all their worries away.)
【1】Golden sentence:
Who would have thought that, in such dire straits, they would have started behaving like young girls again。Words:
skip /skɪp/
skipping,skipped,skipsV-I If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. 蹦跳; 蹦跳着走 例:They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him.他们看到那个男人身后跟着一个蹦蹦跳跳的小女孩。
invigorate /ɪnˈvɪɡəˌreɪt/ invigorating,invigorated,invigoratesV-T If something invigorates you, it makes you feel more energetic. 鼓舞; 增加活力 例:Take a deep breath in to invigorate you.深吸一口气,抖擞你的精神。
gully /ˈɡʌlɪ/N-COUNT A gully is a long, narrow valley with steep sides. 隘谷
* 例:The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.3名登山者的尸体在一个陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了。
* Let off steam:
* He let off steam by yelling at the clerk.他对一个职员大吼大叫借以发泄怨气。The motorcycle let off steam with a loud noise and then disappeared in the distance quickly.那辆摩托车大声地排出了一阵蒸汽,然后很快就在远处消失了。
gulp /ɡʌlp/ gulping,gulped,gulpsV-T If you gulp something, you eat or drink it very quickly by swallowing large quantities of it at once. 大口吞下 例:She quickly gulped her soda.她很快地把汽水一饮而尽。