第三十章 使用系统监视器 - 编写用户定义的应用程序监视器类

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第三十章 使用系统监视器 - 编写用户定义的应用程序监视器类




  1. 在要监视数据的命名空间中运行^%MONAPPMGR。使用选项2列出监视器类,并在该菜单中使用选项3注册监视器系统类。
1) Set Sample Interval
2) Manage Monitor Classes
3) Change Default Notification Method
4) Manage Email Options
5) Manage Alerts
6) Exit
Option? 2
1) Activate/Deactivate Monitor Class
2) List Monitor Classes
3) Register Monitor System Classes
4) Remove/Purge Monitor Class
5) Set Class Sample Interval
6) Exit
Option? 3
Exporting to XML started on 06/21/2022 12:52:36
Exporting class: Monitor.Sample
Export finished successfully.
Load started on 06/21/2022 12:52:36
Loading file C:\InterSystems\SRCCTRL\mgr\Temp\t0jFhPqLkZoYAA.stream as xml
Imported class: Monitor.Sample
Compiling class Monitor.Sample
Compiling table Monitor.Sample
Compiling routine Monitor.Sample.1
Load finished successfully.
1) Activate/Deactivate Monitor Class
2) List Monitor Classes
3) Register Monitor System Classes
4) Remove/Purge Monitor Class
5) Set Class Sample Interval
6) Exit
  1. 编写从%Monitor or.Adaptor继承的类。继承提供持久性、参数、属性、代码生成和从类定义生成监视器元数据的投影。
  2. 编译类。编译从%Monitor or.Adaptor继承的类将在USERS类的子包中生成新的样例类,该子包称为Sample。例如,如果编译A.B.MyMetric,则会在A.B.Sample.MyMetric中生成一个新类。不需要对生成的类执行任何操作。


所有示例类都自动启用 CSP,因此可以通过指向 A.B.Sample.MyMetric.cls查看用户指标的示例数据。如果该类已被激活,Application Monitor 会自动调用该类并生成数据和警报;有关激活监视器类的信息,请参阅管理监视器类。。

重要提示:SECURITYRESOURCE 参数在 %Monitor.Adaptor 中为空,因此在从 %Monitor.Adaptor 继承的用户类中为空,除非明确修改。代码生成将 SECURITYRESOURCE 值从用户定义的类复制到生成的示例类中。

以下简单示例检索 IRIS 实例中每个数据集的可用空间。

每次采样请求样本数据对象的 n 个实例,每个实例对应一个数据集。在此示例中,每个实例只有一个属性,即收集样本时该数据集中可用的可用空间。

  1. 创建一个继承自 %Monitor.Adaptor 的类
Class MyMetric.Freespace Extends %Monitor.Adaptor [ ProcedureBlock ]
  1. 添加成为示例数据一部分的属性。它们的类型必须是 %Monitor 包中的类:
Class MyMetric.Freespace Extends %Monitor.Adaptor [ ProcedureBlock ]
/// Name of dataset
Property DBName As %Monitor.String(CAPTION = "Database Name");

/// Current amount of Freespace
Property FreeSpace As %Monitor.String;
  1. 添加一个 INDEX 参数,告诉哪些字段在示例实例中形成唯一键:
Parameter INDEX = "DBName";
  1. 根据需要添加控件属性,将它们标记为 [Internal],这样它们就不会成为生成类中存储定义的一部分。
/// Result Set for use by the class
Property Rspec As %SQL.StatementResult [Internal];
  1. 覆盖 Initialize() 方法。Initialize() 在每次指标收集运行开始时被调用。
/// Initialize the list of datasets and freespace.
Method Initialize() As %Status
    set stmt=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    set status= stmt.%PrepareClassQuery("SYS.Database","FreeSpace")
    set ..Rspec = stmt.%Execute()
    return $$$OK
  1. 覆盖 GetSample() 方法。重复调用 GetSample() 直到返回状态 0。编写代码来填充每个示例实例的指标数据。
/// Get dataset metric sample.
/// A return code of $$$OK indicates there is a new sample instance.
/// A return code of 0 indicates there is no sample instance.
Method GetSample() As %Status
    // Get freespace data
    set stat = ..Rspec.%Next(.sc)

    // Quit if we have done all the datasets
    if 'stat {
        Quit 0

    // populate this instance
    set ..DBName = ..Rspec.%Get("Directory")
    set ..FreeSpace = ..Rspec.%Get("Available")

    // quit with return value indicating the sample data is ready
    return $$$OK
  1. 编译类。该类如下所示:
Class MyMetric.Freespace Extends %Monitor.Adaptor
Parameter INDEX = "DBName";

/// Name of dataset
Property DBName As %Monitor.String;

/// Current amount of Freespace
Property FreeSpace As %Monitor.String;

/// Result Set
Property Rspec As %SQL.StatementResult [Internal];

/// Initialize the list of datasets and freespace.
Method Initialize() As %Status
    set stmt=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    set status= stmt.%PrepareClassQuery("SYS.Database","FreeSpace")
    set ..Rspec = stmt.%Execute()
    return $$$OK

/// Get routine metric sample. 
/// A return code of $$$OK indicates there is a new sample instance. 
/// Any other return code indicates there is no sample instance. 
Method GetSample() As %Status
    // Get freespace data
    set stat = ..Rspec.%Next(.sc)

    // Quit if we have done all the datasets
    if 'stat {
        Quit 0

    // populate this instance
    set ..DBName = ..Rspec.%Get("Directory")
    set ..FreeSpace = ..Rspec.%Get("Available")

    // quit with return value indicating the sample data is ready
    return $$$OK

  1. 此外,可以覆盖 Startup()Shutdown() 方法。这些方法在采样开始时调用一次,因此可以打开通道或执行其他一次性初始化:
/// Open a tcp/ip device to send warnings
Property io As %Status;

Method Startup() As %Status
    set ..io="|TCP|2"
    set host=""
    open ..io:(host:^serverport:"M"):200

Method Shutdown() As %Status
    close ..io
  1. 编译该类会在 MyMetric.Sample 包中创建一个新类 MyMetric.Sample.Freespace
/// Persistent sample class for MyMetric.Freespace
Class MyMetric.Sample.Freespace Extends Monitor.Sample 
Parameter INDEX = "DBName";

Property Application As %String [ InitialExpression = "MyMetric" ];

/// Name of dataset
Property DBName As %Monitor.String(CAPTION = "");

/// Current amount of Freespace
Property FreeSpace As %Monitor.String(CAPTION = "");

Property GroupName As %String [ InitialExpression = "Freespace" ];

Property MetricsClass As %String [ InitialExpression = "MyMetric.Freespace" ];





