切片操作和enumerate 字符串split实现
2020-02-09 本文已影响0人
def split(string: str, separator: str = " ") -> list:
Will split the string up into all the values separated by the separator (defaults to spaces)
>>> split("apple#banana#cherry#orange",separator='#')
['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'orange']
>>> split("Hello there")
['Hello', 'there']
>>> split("11/22/63",separator = '/')
['11', '22', '63']
>>> split("12:43:39",separator = ":")
['12', '43', '39']
split_words = []
last_index = 0
for index, char in enumerate(string):
if char == separator:
last_index = index + 1
elif index + 1 == len(string):
split_words.append(string[last_index : index + 1])
return split_words
if __name__ == "__main__":
from doctest import testmod
index从0开始计数,切片操作[last_index: index],类似于systemverilog的语法。
这个方法的split的分隔符看函数的传入参数的类型str,但根据实现,其实只支持一个字符作为分隔符,所以可以加个判断,如果len(separator)>1, raise error.