Dear John day -5

2017-11-10  本文已影响0人  慌芳

John借了父親的車,帶Savannah 去了The Shrimp Shack 共進晚餐,度過了很特別的二人時光。John 不能想象自己有多喜欢這個他昨天才認識的女孩,他覺得自己對Savannah 了解得不多,不如她知道自己知道他的多。喜歡一個人可能就會更多的想要去了解她~John大概就是這樣的吧!度過了美好的二人時光,在臨別的時候Savannah親了John的臉頰,這也讓John整夜转转反侧,久久不能入睡。

He wondered how he could be falling for a girl that he had met only the day before.

Q1:Though John's father wouldn't complain he still felt a pang of guilty.

Q2:The Shrimp Shack ,which is down wilminton ton in the historic area that borders the Cape Fear River.

The exterior was decorated with nets ,bubcaps ,license plates ,an old anchor,oars ,and a few rusty chains.A broken rowboat sat near the door.

She was satisfied as she stepped inside.

Q3:Because this was more over a place for he and his friends when they wanted to eat instead of drink.

He usually went there after a day spent surfing.

Q4:Nice-looking couple.

Q5:The day with Savannah.It was important for him.  And he  wondered  how  he  could  be falling for a girl that he had met only the day before.


