
2021-04-06  本文已影响0人  yuRun


It is very cold today . I think it is going to snow.

Who knows ! Maybe it will be fine tomorrow.

句中maybe 可用probably 替换

may be 可能是

maybe  一般放在句首

may be放在句中

例:Maybe she is beautiful.

        She may be beautiful.

It's not polite to make fun of others.

make fun of 可用laugh at 替换

2.remain  v.保持;依然

to be still in the same state

3. probably  adv. 大概;很可能

5. take care of  照顾 同义词 look afrer

6. make fun of 取笑 同义词 laugh at 或play (a)tick on

7. give up 放弃 同义词 stop ,quit ; don't continue

1. be famous  因......而著名

2. be famous  作为......而著名

8.  famous 同义词替换 known

短语搭配 be famous for

                be famous as

prefer v.更喜欢;宁愿

同义词 like better

Alice prefers to go (go)to school by bike.

prefer 同义词替换 like better

            固定搭配prefer to do

                            prefer doing to doing

prefer doing A to doing B 比起做B这件事情,更喜欢做A这件事情

I prefre reading to watching TV in my spare time.

ful 一般作为后缀加在名词后,构成形容词,表示充满......的,表示有......倾向的

cheer- cheerful  高兴的

success- successful 成功的

help- helpful 有帮助的

care -careful 仔细的,认真的


词性转换 后缀ful


动词短语  cheer up

lie v.躺 ;位于;说谎

n. 谎言

Guangzhou lies in the south of China.


