
外刊阅读:How and what Japan's ol

2019-06-30  本文已影响3人  爱英语爱阅读


How and what Japan's oldest population eats

by Dr. Sanjay Gupta

You have probably heard that Japan consistently has among the highest life expectancy in the world and that the island of Okinawa has the greatest concentration of centenarians (people who live to at least 100).

consistently /kənˈsɪst(ə)ntli/ adv. 一贯地、始终如一地(由consistent加后缀-ly变成副词)
life expectancy /ɪkˈspekt(ə)nsi/ 预期寿命
Okinawa 冲绳
concentration /ˌkɒns(ə)nˈtreɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 集中、聚集

Okinawa is a chain of islands about 650 kilometers southwest of mainland Japan. The water is emerald blue, the beaches are sandy white, and the weather is tropical. In many ways it seems the perfect place to house the Land of Immortals, as the island has long been called.

chain /tʃeɪn/ n. 链、一串
mainland /ˈmeɪnlænd/ adj. 国土主体的(由main和land组成)
emerald /ˈemərəld/ adj. 亮绿色的(emerald blue就是蓝绿色的)
sandy /ˈsændɪ/ adj. 浅棕色的(也就是沙子的颜色;由sand加后缀-y变成形容词)
tropical /ˈtrɒpɪk(ə)l/ adj. 热带的
in many ways 从很多方面来说
house /haʊz/ v. 提供住处、容纳
immortal /ɪˈmɔːt(ə)l/ n. 长生不老者

If you ask anyone in Okinawa why they live so long, you will doubtlessly hear two words: ikigai and moai. Ikigai, loosely translated, means sense of purpose in life. And in Okinawa, a person's ikigai often grows as they get older. It is their reason for living, that thing that propels them out of bed in the morning. In the United States, people often retire in their mid-60s, but there isn't a similar word in Japanese because the concept of retirement doesn't even exist.

doubtlessly /ˈdaʊtləsli/ adv. 毫无疑问地(由doubt加上表示否定的后缀-less并变成形容词doubtless,再加后缀-ly变成副词)
loosely /ˈluːsli/ adv. 不精确地
purpose /ˈpɜːpəs/ n. 意义、重要意义
propel /prəˈpel/ v. 推动
concept /ˈkɒnsept/ n. 概念
retirement /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ n. 退休(由retire加后缀-ment变成名词)

Moai is an informal social group of people who have common interests and look out for each other. Your moai is your "tribe" and another reason Okinawans believe they live so long.

informal /ɪnˈfɔːməl/ adj. 非正式的(由formal加上表示否定的前缀in-)
look out for someone 照看某人
tribe /traɪb/ n. 部落

But, more than anything, the Okinawa diet has long captured the headlines, and for good reason. Before I tell you what the Okinawans eat, there is a valuable lesson in how they eat.

capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ v. 占据、占领
headline /ˈhedlaɪn/ n. 大标题(由head和line组成;the headlines指重要新闻)
valuable /ˈvæljub(ə)l/ adj. 有价值的

Remember this term: hara hachi bu. Translation: Stop eating when you are 80% full. The philosophy is that you should still be a little hungry when you push the plate away.

term /tɜːm/ n. 术语、词语
translation /trænsˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 译文(由translate加后缀-ion变成名词)
full /fʊl/ adj. 饱的、吃饱的
philosophy /fɪˈlɒsəfi/ n. 哲学(引申为理念)

There is a basic biological reason that works. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to send signals to the brain that it is full. Unfortunately, most people can shovel down another several hundred calories in that short time. Instead, if you push the plate away and just wait, you will have eaten less and still feel satisfied.

biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ adj. 生物的、生物学的(由biology加后缀-ical变成形容词)
signal /ˈsɪɡn(ə)l/ n. 信号
shovel /ˈʃʌv(ə)l/ down 猛吃、大吃
calorie /ˈkæl(ə)ri/ n. 卡路里

Most everyone in the scientific community promotes the idea that eating less is associated with longevity, but of course, that also depends on what you eat. In Okinawa, I shared a meal with Craig Willcox, the author of the book "Okinawa Program," to learn more about the local diet.

most = almost
community /kəˈmjuːnəti/ n. 社区、圈子
promote /prəˈməʊt/ v. 倡导、推动
associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/ v. 联系、关联
longevity /lɒnˈdʒevəti/ n. 长寿
depend on 取决于

We received our food on six-compartment trays, known as bento boxes. Eating bento box-style meant we ate smaller portions and a wider variety of foods. Our six compartments came with rice, sweet potatoes, a bitter melon dish, a very small slice of fish, root vegetables and a portion of fruit. There was also a small bowl of miso soup and green tea to cap it off.

compartment /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ n. 隔间、分开的空间
tray /treɪ/ n. 托盘
portion /ˈpɔːʃ(ə)n/ n. 一份(食物)
bitter /ˈbɪtə(r)/ adj. 苦味的(bitter melon就是苦瓜)
slice /slaɪs/ n. 片、切片
root /ruːt/ n. 根
miso /ˈmiːsəʊ/ soup 味噌汤
cap off 结束(某事)

Willcox told me that Okinawans typically eat seven different fruits and vegetables and 18 different foods a day, and more than 200 different foods and spices regularly in their overall diet. In the United States, we are lucky to consume a dozen different foods in our regular daily diet.

typically /ˈtɪpɪk(ə)li/ adv. 通常、一般
spice /spaɪs/ n. 调料、调味料
regularly /ˈreɡjələli/ adv. 经常
overall /ˌəʊvəˈrɔːl/ adj. 总体的
consume /kənˈsjuːm/ v. 吃、喝



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