another dream
I dream about myself walking in an unfamiliar place. there's a place where people go to change buses which is the station for different vehicles. I didn't go there. The road that I had chosen was a bit quieter. Luckily I saw a big river, a clear one, or maybe it's a lake. I could see what's swimming in it. On my left side it's the house for locals but it was so silent as if nobody lives inside. I could even tell it was late because there was sunshine from the setting sun. In the river I could see this giant whitish gnarly fish which has many protruding parts, not long one's like tentacles. it was an ugly fish. And it swam near the bank. I wonder if it had enough to eat. And in the farther side of the river which was also the central part of the river, there were numerous fries.At first I thought these small fish were the food for the giant one. Then I realized they were like mother fish and it's offsprings. I found the fish unlovely but rather odd looking. I wanted to leave this place , be it a town or village, as soon as possible. But there was some fish on the shelves of the house to my left and it's still alive with worms on their skin. I felt disgusted and really wanted to keep a distance. And I saw the river on my right again with the giant fish and numerous little ones. The fish on my left side tried to moved back to the river on my right side. So I tried to give way. I didn't want to have anything to do with them. Then I realized my back was on contact with something on the left side, which was slimy and tricky. I felt like that I had been in trouble and panicked.SO I woke up and write down this story. it was only half past four in the morning, several hours away from sunrise. Thank goodness for the fact that there's this world to escape to from that dream. I was lonely to some extent in the dream, wandering in a strange place and only felt a bit familiar with the big river. I needed to go somewhere but how could I get there before the night? Dreams are like this , not very logical or clear, like the snapshots of a TV series, telling the viewers something but also letting the audience feel confused about the relationship between different scenarios. It was still in disarray. And finally everything could be interpreted in an orderly way. But does it matter any more? I could afford to ignore it although it was my experience but it was dream like and cease to matter, I suppose.
Namas Amitabha