

2022-03-22  本文已影响0人  师千璎

答案:1.  这本书值得读。

This book is worth reading.

2.  晚睡没有好处。

It's no good going to bed late.

3.  他请求我借给他这本书。

He asked me to lend him this book.

4.  我希望尽快再次见到你。

I hope to see you again soon. /I hope to see you again as soon as possible.

5.  Mike 告诉我在图书馆等他。

Mike told me to wait for him in the library.

6.  昨天晚上,我忙着做作业。

I was busy doing homework yesterday evening.

7.  你一到家就给我打电话。

Please call me as soon as you get home.

8.  我父母习惯住在乡下。

My parents are used to living in the countryside.

9.  你看过这部电影吗?

Have you seen this movie?

10.  不要在教室里踢球,好吗?

Don't play football in the classroom, will you?


1*The factory, including its machines and buildings, ______ burnt to ashes during the fire last night.





答案是C。就远原则。including 介词,包括

2*He must have gone out. I heard the noise of the door _______when I was still in bed.

A. being locked        

B. to lock       

C. locking               

D. having locked


3* There ______ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.

A. was     

B. being     

C. were   

D. had been


4*If it ____ rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Village.

A. were

B. should

C. would

D. will

答案是Bif引导的与将来相反的虚拟should +do

5*_____ who she was, she said she was Mr. Johnson's friend.

A. Asking            

B. Asked   

C. To be asked   

D. When asking

答案是B,逻辑主语是she ,当她被问到她是谁的时候


6* What do you think his proposal that we ____ a play at the English meeting

A. had put on     

B. should put on

C. have put on   

D. will put on

答案是Bproposal 建议,后面接虚拟,should +do ,should 可以省略

7*Very few ____ his address in the town.

A. has known

B. are knowing

C. know

D. knows

答案是C,few 作主语表复数。没有B  are knowing 这种说法few  代词,表复数,可以代替人,也可以代替物。这句话的主语是very few ,很少有人。翻译:在镇上,很少有人知道他的地址。

8*My family as well as I ____ glad to see you.

A. was

B. is

C. are

D. am

答案是C。就远原则,主语是my family ,我的家人,表复数。


9*____ good, the food was soon sold out.

A. Tasted   

B. Being tasted   

C. Tasting   

D. To taste


taste 尝起来,没有被动,AB排除。



10* Hardly ______the bell ______when the teacher came in.

A. did; ring

B. would; ring

C. has; rung

D. had; rung


11*Mother suggested that I ___my homework first before watching TV

A. did 

B. do 

C. shall do 

D. have done

答案是Bsuggest 是关键词,后面省略了should

12*It was reported that six ___ including a boy.

A. had killed

B. was killing

C. were killed

D. was killed


13* ______ the road, be careful.

A. While crossing      

B. When cross      

C. Crossed                 

D. Being crossed

答案是Abe careful 是祈使句,省略了主语you。翻译:过马路的时候,你要小心点儿。

主语是you ,逻辑主语也是you ,你和过马路是主动关系,cd被动,排除。b是谓语格式,这道题缺非谓语。

14* It is necessary that he ____ in time to attend the meeting.

A. might come

B. would come

C. came

D. come

答案是Dnecessary 是关键词,后面省略了should

15*__ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.

A. Clean  

B. To clean  

C. While cleaning  

D. While I was cleaning

finger 手指

答案是D,主语是my finger ,我的手指。正确的逻辑是我擦窗户,而不是我的手指擦窗户,BC排除

16* Every possible means _________ tried but without much result.

A. is

B. are

C. has been

D. have been

答案是Cevery 引导的主语是单三。根据意思判断,过去的事儿对现在造成的影响,现在完成时。result 结果,效果



