
2017-08-09  本文已影响12人  Penny酱


1 依据手机照片,讨论不同话题,如食物、活动、家庭、朋友等,进而换位讨论。

2 who ,where ,when,why 两个同学表演,其余同学猜测四个wh,其实听力经常考。

3 询问学生哪方面弱,调整教学计划。诊断测试?

4 CLILThis approach involves learning subjects such as history, geography or others, through an additional language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as language learners.




今天主要是思维训练与如何纠错。我主要总结三个问题。1 问题圈的设计,从表层问题,如一些简单的事实细节,到深层问题,如观点态度等。其实这个层次感,在每次设计时,还要有所思考。 2 纠错,应注意两类错误,一类是疏忽了,一类是缺知识。3 纠错方法

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Game 1:Group competition:Back to the board

(the teacher writes a word or a collocation or even a whole expression on the board, and the students describe it to the one member of the team who cannot look at the board. They can use other words to describe. A point for the fastest. )

Game 2:Get stories

(this works with any delexicalised verb, eg. get, make, put, take, do, have. Either provide the collocations&expressions yourself, or if the group knows enough, brainstorm them. Other words work well too. Once you have collected them, the learners should create a story incorporating as many as they can naturally. Provide parameters for the story--for example, start “Last week, Neil had a difficult day” but give it a happy ending. )

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