

2018-12-07  本文已影响155人  史妍

这篇 How to alleviate the refugee crisis 赏析来自现象级英语之《经济学人》共读第3小组——缓解难民危机小分队。标题、摘要及正文1-2段由史妍完成,3-4段由青云完成,5-6段由索诺完成,7-8段由Parker完成,9-12段由微醺完成(点击作者可跳转至他们的简书主页)。欢迎大家多多指正。Thank you in advance!

一. 标题及摘要

How to alleviate the refugee crisis

Our response to the plight of refugees in the coming year will be the measure of our humanity, writes Angelina Jolie, actor and special envoy of the UNHCR

I. 内容总结:

标题为 How to alleviate the refugee crisis(如何缓解难民危机)是演员兼联合国难民署亲善大使的 Angelia Jolie 在 The Wolrd in 2019 的特别板块 Open Future 中的一篇文章。

摘要中提取了 Angelia Jolie 的观点:未来一年如何应对难民问题将反映出我们的为人之道。


II. 语言学习:

1. alleviate: to make something less severe。它的同义词是 ease,也可以用 ease off 或 ease up 表达“减轻、放松”。例如:

(1) I went to bed early to alleviate my headache.

(2) After 9 o'clock the traffic eases off.

2. plight (of sth): a very bad situation (of sth)

表达日益恶化的空气污染问题是导致哮喘患者越来越多的原因,就可以说:The worsening plight of air pollution is cause for mounting asthma patients.

3. in the coming year: in the next year

如果自己写作,我的第一反应会使用后者。而从文中可以体会到 in the coming year 令人更有紧迫感,强调了在即将到来的一年,解决难民问题迫在眉睫。

二. 正文第1段

① THE NUMBER of refugees worldwide has climbed for six consecutive years. ② Some 68m people are now displaced by violence and persecution—equal to a fifth of the population of America, nearly half that of Russia and more than the entire population of Britain.

I. 内容总结:




II. 语言学习:

1. climb 用作攀升特别形象,可以完美替换 rise, increase, go up 等。除此以外,表达“越来越多的”除了用 more and more 和 increasing 还可以用 mounting,同样很有画面感。

2. some 68m people 大约6800万人,即 some 可以代替 about 表示大约。例如,这个夏天我减了大约10斤,就可以说:I was losing some 5 kilograms during this summer.

3. equal to: 看到它就想到每日一词中曾出现过的 the equivalent of,这种换位思维的表达很容易让读者产生共鸣。例如:The price of this cell phone is equal to half my monthly income.

4. 三个类比 equal to a fifth of the population of America, nearly half that of Russia and more than the entire population of Britain 中,that 指代前面的 population,表示将近俄罗斯人口的一半,有效地避免了重复。

5. entire: whole。除了用 all of 和 whole 来表达全部的、整个的,entire也是一个非常好用的词。例如表达全家都支持他就可以说:The entire family is right behind him.

三. 正文第2段

① At the same time, humanitarian support is chronically underfunded. ② As of September 2018 the United Nations’ refugee agency, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and its partners had received just 31% of the funds they needed to provide basic assistance to millions of Syrian refugees and displaced people. ③ The same dire situation exists elsewhere too, with less than half the amount of humanitarian funds needed in the vast majority of conflict-affected countries. ④ If nothing is done, this trend of growing numbers and scarce resources will continue, with severe consequences, in 2019.

I. 内容总结:





II. 语言学习:

1. chronical 和 chronic 都可以表示长期的、慢性的,例如慢性支气管炎就可以说 chronic bronchitis。而另一个长得很像的词 chronological 表示按时间顺序的。此外,文中用 chronically underfunded 表示长期资金不足,类似的表达还有 nutritionally unsound 营养不良。

2. as of 表示“到……为止”。至今怯场的问题都困扰这我,就可以说:As of today stage fright still bothers me.

3. the vast majority of 绝大多数。例如:For the vast majority of university graduates, getting a job is nothing to worry about.

4. conflict-affected 指受冲突影响的,这种组合词非常简洁、好用,平时在阅读时可以注意收集。

四. 正文第3段

① This is not a sustainable situation. ② The answer does not lie in countries adopting harsh unilateral measures that target refugees and that run counter to humanitarian values and responsibilities. ③ That will only inflame the problem.

I. 内容总结:




II. 语言学习:

1. lie in

本意是躺在某处,文中的 lie in 给人感觉问题不是放在那里等你发现的,而是要自己去思考解决的,也就是说明后面不是作者理想中解决问题的方法。

2. run counter to 背道而驰

想表达 disobey 的时候可以考虑使用这个短语。例如:I sensed an odd mix of fatalism and optimism, which both run counter to my own views. 我感觉到其中掺杂着宿命情绪和乐观情绪,但与我的想法背道而驰。

3. 句子分析:The answer does not lie in countries adopting harsh unilateral measures that target refugees and that run counter to humanitarian values and responsibilities.

(1) countries adopting 在这里是独立主格结构。可以考虑在悬浮的“ing结构”之前加上它自己本身所属的主语来减少句子语法的歧义。

(2) 后面使用连续两个并列的定语从句修饰 measures。

五. 正文第4段

① Instead, we must reduce the number of displaced people worldwide by preventing and solving the conflicts that drive them from their homes. ② We must rally people and countries to act together based on common interests and universal aspirations for security, dignity and equality. ③ This does not have to come at the expense of our safety and economic well-being at home, but is an essential requirement when facing problems of international dimension.

I. 内容总结:

第一句: 提出作者自己的建议。(没有愿意成为难民,没有人应该成为难民。要通过保护他们家园来预防这个和解决这个问题)

第二句: 具体的建议。(安全,尊严,平等这三点是我们的基本准则)



II. 语言学习:


1. based on 基于,与 on the grounds of 相似,可以同义替换。

2. not... but 不是……而是,是个很好用的句型。

P.S. 查到一段作者的演讲视频(需科学上网):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py0TkvwIxI8

BBC 对其演讲的概括是:

Angelina Jolie Pitt, the UN refugee agency's special envoy, has warned that the international humanitarian system for refugees is breaking down. Ms Jolie Pitt has been speaking as part of the BBC's World on the Move day of coverage of global migration issues. She warned against a "fear of migration" and a "race to the bottom" as countries competed to be the toughest to protect themselves.

其中令我印象较深的一句话: If your neighbor's house is on fire, you are not safe if you lock your doors.

六. 正文第5段

Rights, funding, action

① Let's look at the facts. ② First, 85% of all refugees live in low- and middle-income countries. ③ Most people who are displaced by violence remain within the borders of their own countries. ④ Those who are forced out tend to stay as close as they can to home, in neighbouring nations. ⑤ Less than 1% of all refugees are resettled, including in Western countries. ⑥ The world’s poorer countries are bearing the brunt of the burden. ⑦ We cannot assume that they will continue to do this irrespective of policies in wealthier nations. ⑧ If the number of refugees grows, as it probably will in 2019, so too will the tension this imbalance causes unless we do a better job of sharing responsibility.

I. 内容总结:



II. 语言学习:

1. displace: cause to move, usually with force or pressure


(1) Please don't displace my dictionaries. 请别动我的词典。

(2) The indigenous population was soon displaced by the settlers. 没过多久,外来移民就把当地人赶出了家园。

2. remain

我们在每日一词里学过的 remain。不过每日一词里侧重的是 remain 后面跟名词或形容词的用法,这个词的词义比较丰富,这里它仍然作为不及物动词出现,不过后面加了副词,指“留在、停留于(某处)”,If you remain in a place, you stay there and do not move away. 例如:

(1) From time to time, he remained at home with his family. 他偶尔留在家里陪家人。

(2) He will have to remain in hospital for at least 10 days. 他至少得在医院里呆10天。

3. 句子解析:Those who are forced out tend to stay as close as they can to home, in neighbouring nations. 

我们把句子简化一下:主干是 Those tend to stay close to home. 这部分人就留在了 low-income countries。加上定语从句和修饰词的加持,变为 Those who are forced out tend to stay as close as they can to home. 即,流离失所的难民被迫离开家园,还是想尽可能留在离家近的地方。看了真让人感觉心酸。

4. brunt: main force of a blow etc.

文中用了一个短语 the brunt of the burden,表示承受主要压力。要表达首当其冲可以用 bear/take a brunt of:To bear the brunt or take the brunt of something unpleasant means to suffer the main part or force of it. 例如:

(1) Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment. 现在年轻人面临失业压力。

(2) A child's head tends to take the brunt of any fall. 孩子摔倒时,头部最容易受伤。

5. assume: take to be the case or to be true,它可替换 think, suppose, believe 等。

6. irrespective of 不考虑、不顾

当我们表决心一定要把工作做好时,我们会说:We will have the work done, irrespective of cost.

表达他不顾后果地冲上前去帮忙可以说:He rushed toward to help, irrespective of the consequence.

7. 倒装句解析

If the number of refugees grows, as it probably will in 2019, so too will the tension this imbalance causes unless we do a better job of sharing responsibility.

so too will... 这里 too will 做了倒装前置,我们可以改写为:... so the tension that this imbalance causes will grow too.

so 放句首的倒装句比较常见,例如:She likes music and so do I. 或者 They will go abroad and so will we.

如果想模仿经济学人里的写法用 too 强调下这句就可以变成:They will go abroad and so too will we.

七. 正文第6段

① Second, for all the generosity of taxpayers in the West and all the lives that are saved by this, the billions of dollars in humanitarian aid provided annually do not come close to meeting the needs of 68m forcibly displaced people, let alone if the numbers keep going.

I. 内容总结:


II. 语言学习:

1. humanitarian

它作名词为“人道主义者”,作形容词为“人道主义的”,文中为形容词。与它相近的词还有 humanity(人道、人性),humanitarianism(人道主义)

2. come close to doing 差一点就、接近于

特别要注意这里的 to 是介词,所以后面加 doing。例如:

(1) He came close to passing the exam. 他差点就考试及格了。

(2) They cannot even come close to doing the right thing. 他们甚至不能接近于做对的事情。

八. 正文第7段

① Third, as many as two-thirds of all the refugees under the UNHCR's mandate come from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia.② Peace in any one of them would create the conditions for people to return home, and reduce the numbers of refugees worldwide by millions.③ In democracies we, as voters, should challenge our politicians to answer how their policies address the roots of the problem.

I. 内容总结:




II. 语言学习:

1. under the UNHCR’s mandate,译为:委托给联合国难民署管理,给联合国难民署托管。(标签:读报积累)

mandate 作为名词有授权,任期,以及委托书或授权令。

这里 mandate 更倾向于第三个含义, (formal)an official order given to sb to perform a particular task委托书,授权令

形象化理解:这里的mandate大可理解为获得官方的批准,授权,比如:我们看古装剧,古代朝廷命官迎接皇帝圣旨的时候,我们大多会听到八个大字“奉天承运,皇帝诏曰”:Under the Mandate of Heaven, the emperor decrees hereby ...



under the mandate of  受命于...听命于...

《纽约时报》在形容前联合国秘书长安南召集了一个多国精兵的时候说道:"Mr. Annan raised the possibility of a multinational force under the mandate of the United Nations,  what was done in Afghanistan."

2. create the conditions for 译为为...创造条件;原文中含义是为难民们创造回归故乡的条件。(标签:写作积累)


课堂上的多样化有助于好的教学活动开展,我们可以说:In fact, greater variety in class has been found to create the conditions for great teaching.(来自英国《卫报》)

杀掉这些无辜的人,我们就是在滋生下一个本拉登:If we kill innocents, we create the conditions for another Osama bin Laden.(来自《纽约时报》)

中国为初创公司提供了良好的土壤:China has created the conditions for startups.

3. In democracies 译为在民主国家(标签:读报积累;写作积累)

democracy: a country that has a government which has been elected by the people of the country.

比如:The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy.

4. challenge our politicians to answer 译为敦促我们的政治家们来回答(标签:读报积累;写作积累)



The Silver Horn King challenged Sun Wukong to respond...


我们平时学到的 challenge 的意思为挑战,质疑(权威)等,这里则指的是敦促,强烈建议(尤指在对方不情愿时)to suggest strongly that sb should do sth (especially when you think that they might be unwilling to do it)

同义词替换:inspire, spur on, etc.

比如:The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election.


We challenged the company to prove that its system was safe.

九. 正文第8段

① We've managed to bring the numbers down before. ② When I first started working with the UNHCR in 2001, the number of refugees worldwide was falling. One of my first missions was to accompany returning Cambodian refugees. ③ I met some of the many people who returned to their homes after the end of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. ④ Look further back in history, and after the second world war millions of refugees were resettled.

I. 内容总结:






II. 语言学习:

1. bring the numbers down, the number of refugees worldwide was falling (标签:写作积累)


bring down 这里一语双关,非常巧妙。往往在对付一些棘手的问题时,可以用到它。

Men Bring Down Dollar Royalty

其一,to make sb lose power or be defeated 是打垮,击败的意思。难民人口的总数字,它如同一个大boss一样,我们在和它较量,设法打倒它。

其二,to reduce sth. 是减少,使...下降的意思。

华盛顿邮报在说道,一个公司想要减少净负债的时候说道: the group wants to bring downnet debt.

巴黎协议要减少温室气体排放时候说道:The 2015 Paris accord drew up the global system to bring down greenhouse gas emissions in only the broadest strokes.

falling 用的也非常形象,画面感强,下降的厉害。

to go down to a lower level, amount, price etc, especially a much lower one.

同义词转换:decrease,descend ...

反义词:rise, ascend...


The temperature in Shanghai has fallen below 10 degrees today.

2. accompany returning Cambodian refugees 护送柬埔寨难民回归家园(标签:读报积累)

accompany 陪同 (formal),同义词替换:go along with, escort...

原文用的是 accompany,让人感觉有陪伴、照顾之意,体现出一丝人道主义的温暖。


She always accompanies her little brother whenever her parents are not at home.

3. millions of refugees were resettled. 数百万名难民也在新的地方得到安置(标签:读报积累)

resettle 的意思是 to help people go and live in a new country or area; to go and live in a new country or area 帮助 … 定居他国(或别的地区);到他国(或别的地区)定居

例如:Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada. 许多难民被安置到英国和加拿大。

十. 正文第9段

① This strategy will take vision and persistence and strength. ② Not the parody of strength involved in tough talk against refugees, but the resolve, will and diplomatic skill needed to negotiate peace settlements, stabilise insecure countries and uphold the rule of law.

I. 内容总结:


II. 语言学习:

1. not ...but... 不是……而是……


2. uphold: If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a decision, you support and maintain it. 拥护、支持、维护 (v.)

可以替换 support, follow 等词,例如:Our policy has been to uphold the law.

十一. 正文第10段

① A refugee is a man, woman or child at their most vulnerable: forced from their home, living without the protection of their state, and in many cases without the bare means of survival. ② It is the human condition that tests our belief that all human beings have equal rights and deserve protection.

I. 内容总结:


II. 语言学习:

1. in many cases

这个短语可以替代 often, in many ways 等表达大多情况的词。例如:In many cases, men tend to be more active for creating opportunities than women.

2. means: method of doing sth 办法 (n.) 可以替代way, method 等词。

例如,必要的方法我们可以说 necessary means;我们会尽可以实现目标可以表达为 We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.

十二. 正文第11段

① We live in divisive times. However, history also shows our ability to unite, overcome a global crisis and renew our sense of purpose and community with other nations. ② That is the greatest strength of an open society.

I. 内容总结:


II. 语言学习:

1. show 显示出、表露 

相比 have the ability,文中使用的 show our ability 表达更加自然生动。

2. renew 更新、重新开始(活动、工作、之前执行的事情等) (v.) 

例如:He renewed his attack on government policy toward Europe. 他重新开始对政府的欧洲政策进行抨击。

十三. 正文第12段

① In 2019 we should not leave the debate to those who would exploit public anxiety for political advantage. We are being tested today. ② Our response will be the measure of our humanity.

I. 内容总结:


II. 语言学习:

1. debate

(1) 作名词,表示争论,可替换 discusion。文中使用了 leave the debate to ...

我们还可以说:There has been heated debate about the topic in his class.

(2) 作动词,表示相对正式的讨论。相比discuss,debate更正式。例如:This issue is still being hotly debated (discussed).

2. exploit 剥削、利用(v.)

可以代替 use, take advantage of 或 make use of。例如:He pursued his own interest, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee. 他不顾别人,利用自己作为受托人的特权地位追求个人利益。


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