

2018-03-01  本文已影响20人  英语学习社

最近不少报道称,川贝枇杷膏(Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa)在美国纽约走红,被炒至天价,遭遇美国人疯抢,「突然间,所有人都在谈枇杷膏」。




Herbal Supplement Has Some New Yorkers Talking, Instead of Coughing



副标题:Some claim success with Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, but experts warn of the risks of taking such products (一些人称川贝枇杷膏有疗效,但专家警告食用这种产品存在一定风险)

If there's one thingNew Yorkerslove more than discoveringa new secret remedy, it's telling other New Yorkers about it.

I'd been super sick for a week and half and couldn;t stop coughing,” saidAlex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute.

That's when his girlfriend gave him a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, an “herbal dietary supplement[1] with honey and loquat[2],” according to the label.

[1]herbal dietary supplement 草本保健品;草药营养补充品

[2]loquat ['ləʊkwɒt]枇杷

This started working in 15 minutes,” saidMr. Schweder. “I've probably gotten about five people to try it, but I've told many more.

文章里说道,一位纽约建筑师和设计师Alex Schweder因为感冒引发咳嗽,连续吃了10多天药都不见好。这时,他曾经在30年前旅居香港的女友让他喝了“川贝枇杷膏”,大概15分钟后,Alex的不仅咳嗽大大缓解,就连呼吸也没那么难受了。

Mr. Schweder's girlfriend, Oberon Sinclair, owner of a creative agency, first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was living in Hong Kong.

The remedy, often referred to simply asPei Pa Koa, is sold both in cough-drop form and more commonly in 10-ounce bottles in Chinese markets and Chinesepharmacies[3] for approximately$7as well as online through third parties for up to$70.

[3]pharmacy:a shop or part of a shop in which medicines are prepared and sold 药店,药房;(商店的)药品部

Taking herbal supplements can involve health risks, including when they are used with medicines, consumed in excess or taken instead of prescription medication[4], saidDr. Keith Brenner, specialist inpulmonary[5] medicine at Columbia University Medical Center at the New York Presbyterian Hospital.

[4]prescription medication 处方药物

[5]pulmonary:relating to the lungs (= organs used for breathing) 肺的

the pulmonary artery


I think people that use these things may not even disclose them to the physician, and it's a problem,” he said. “There's been well-established interactions between herbal and prescription, and the doctor can pick up on it if the patient discloses it.

The Food and Drug Administration advises consumers to speak to a health-care provider before taking a supplement and to be wary of any product claims that sound too good to be true. The agency doesn't have the authority to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness.

Herbal remedies with loquathave been produced in China for hundreds of years.The Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory began producingNin Jiom Pei Pa Koain Hong Kong in 1946. The Chinese characters on the bottle translate to “Beijing, in memory of my mother loquat thick paste.” The company began marketing it to mainland China, North America, and Europe in the 1980s.

All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,” said Ching Weh Chen, owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold for $7.80. “Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time. It goes back toQing dynasty, but now it's Caucasian customers coming in and asking for it.

Sue Decottis, a physician in internal medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center who also has a private practice, says herbals can have some value and she will, on occasion, recommend them to her patients. She hasn't prescribedPei Pa Koa. “There's also theplacebo[6] effectwith anything like that, but there's no real money behind it to do big studies,”Dr. Decottissaid.

[6]placebo:a substance given to someone who is told that it is a particular medicine, either to make that person feel as if they are getting better or to compare the effect of the particular medicine when given to others 安慰剂

She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect.


I got a bottle of it in the height of my flu which seemed to hang about this year for two months deep in my chest and not let go,” saidMatthew Modine, the actor currently starring in Netflix's “Stranger Things.”Mr. Modinebought the product on Amazon and paid about $30.

而同样咳嗽久治不愈的好莱坞影星Matthew Modine在看到枇杷膏的神奇功效后,也买了......试完后,简直停都停不下来!

“我超爱它的!感冒已经2个月了,在最严重时服用它,情况立刻好转。” “但是,唯一的缺点就是这玩意儿太贵了啊!我在亚马逊网站购入,一瓶要价居然30美元(约合人民币190元)。”——《人民日报》这翻译...???

“My only trepidation was that it was coming from a country with different standards,” saidMr. Modine, who was familiar with loquat from his childhood in Los Angeles. “They'd fall off a tree and we'd pick them up and throw them at cars.”

With respect to influenza[7], the most critical time to get attention is when the virus hits because antivirals likeTamiflu need to be administered within the first 48 hours if they're going to be effective,” saidDr. Brenner. “If herbals are the first line of defense, we'd lose that window, especially if someone has other medical problems, and there's a higher risk the flu virus will lead to hospitalization or even death.


New York State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker urged everyone to get a flu shot and said anyone with flu symptoms should see their health-care provider.

PoetMax Blagg, who learned aboutPei Pa Koa from anacupuncturist[8] in Chinatown, said: “I was a little apprehensive. If you look on the label, there's a thousand herbs you've never heard of.

[8]acupuncturist:a person who is trained to perform acupuncture 针疗医师

Mr. Blagg passed the recommendation along to painter James Gilroy, who had the flu for three weeks. “He showed me a bottle with some crazy Chinese writing on it and I thought no, I'm going to go to a doctor,” saidMr. Gilroy.



