
2019,GitHub 宣布私有代码仓库从此免费!

2019-01-08  本文已影响8人  datazhen

微软收购 GitHub 后,官方宣布了一项重大更新:免费开放私有代码库,即 GitHub 用户现在可以免费创建无限量的私有存储库。同时还有另一项更新——GitHub Enterprise,结合了企业云(原GitHub Business Cloud)和企业服务器(原GitHub Enterprise),对企业和组织来说更简单统一。

官方声明:New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering

Today we’re announcing two major updates to make GitHub more accessible to developers: unlimited free private repositories, and a simpler, unified Enterprise offering. We’re excited about these updates to our Free and Enterprise offerings:

GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories. For the first time, developers can use GitHub for their private projects with up to three collaborators per repository for free. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it publicly. Starting today, those scenarios, and many more, are possible on GitHub at no cost. Public repositories are still free (of course—no changes there) and include unlimited collaborators.

GitHub Enterprise is the new unified product for Enterprise Cloud (formerly GitHub Business Cloud) and Enterprise Server (formerly GitHub Enterprise). Organizations that want the flexibility to use GitHub in a cloud or self-hosted configuration can now access both at one per-seat price. And with GitHub Connect, these products can be securely linked, providing a hybrid option so developers can work seamlessly across both environments.

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GitHub Pro (formerly GitHub Developer) and GitHub Team are also available for developers and teams who need professional coding and collaboration features. And of course, open source contributors will still have everything they need to collaborate on public repositories, including our free version of GitHub Team.

Whether you’re a student about to write your first line of code, an enterprise leader with teams around the world, or an open source maintainer, we want GitHub to be the best place for you to code, collaborate, and connect with the global community of developers. Today’s changes are a big investment in the future of GitHub, and we’re excited to see what you build in 2019.

GitHub 是一个面向开源及私有软件项目的托管平台,目前,其注册用户已经超过350万,托管版本数量也是非常之多,其中不乏知名开源项目 Ruby on Rails、jQuery、python 等。在2018年6月4日,微软宣布,通过75亿美元的股票交易收购代码托管平台 GitHub。

TechCrunch 在推特上发表评论称,这次更新代表着微软对开发者社区的善意。开发者们围观热度高涨,达到8.2K点赞,4.8K转发。

之前每个月最少需要支付7美元,现在 GitHub 开发者可以免费创建无限量的私人储存库,但要主要的是,每个代码库最多有三名协作者。如果想要添加更多的协作者,就需要付费https://github.com/pricing。较免费版而言,付费版拥有高级代码审查工具功能。

GitHub表示,许多开发者在公开代码之前,还想要使用私人的repos去申请工作、参加一个辅助项目或者私下尝试一些东西。针对开发者的这些需求,GitHub 进行了更新,今后开发者将能够免费在这些或更多的场景中使用GitHub。

微软完成对 GitHub 的收购后,部分开发者不满,表示要转向 GitLab 等其他平台,面对微软送出的福利不得不表示:真香。

此外 GitHub Enterprise 结合了企业云(原GitHub Business Cloud)和企业服务器(原GitHub Enterprise)的所有内容,每月费用为21美元。


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