NIO SelectionKey事件理解

2019-05-26  本文已影响0人  persisting_

在Java NIO编程中,我们可以在通道上注册OP_ACCEPTOP_CONNECTOP_READOP_WRITE,下面我们分别看下各种事件在源码中的注释说明:

Operation-set bit for socket-accept operations. Suppose that a selection key's interest set contains OP_ACCEPT at the start of a selection operatio. If the selector detects that the corresponding server-socket channel is ready to accept another connection, or has an error pending, then it will add OP_ACCEPT to the key's ready set and add the key to its selected-key set.

表明一个SelectionKey包含Accept事件,当selector检测到关联的server-socket channel准备好接受一个连接或者发生错误时,会将该事件加入到该key的'ready set'中,并将该key加入到selected-key set中。

Operation-set bit for socket-connect operations. Suppose that a selection key's interest set contains OP_CONNECT at the start of a selection operation. If the selector detects that the corresponding socket channel is ready to complete its connection sequence, or has an error pending, then it will add OP_CONNECT to he key's ready set and add the key to its selected-key set.

当一个socket channel已经准备好完成连接操作或者发生错误时会将该事件加入到该key的'ready set'中,并将该key加入到selected-key set中。

Operation-set bit for read operations. Suppose that a selection key's interest set contains OP_READ at the start of a selection operation. If the selector detects that the corresponding channel is ready for reading, has reached end-of-stream, has been remotely shut down for further reading, or has an error pending, then it will add OP_READ to the key's ready-operation set and add the key to its selected-key set.

当一个channel准备好可以被读取(比如socket已经读到了新的字节,其读取缓冲区有尚未被应用读取的数据,可通知应用程序从读取缓冲区进行读取)、已经到达数据流的结尾、远程另一端已经关闭或者发生错误时,会将该事件加入到该key的'ready set'中,并将该key加入到selected-key set中。

Operation-set bit for write operations. Suppose that a selection key's interest set contains OP_WRITE at the start of a selection operation. If the selector detects that the corresponding channel is ready for writing, has been remotely shut down for further writing, or has an error pending, then it will add OP_WRITE to the key's ready set and add the key to its selected-key set.

当一个channel 准备好进行写入操作(比如原先socket写入缓冲已满,现在已经发送了部分数据,写入缓冲腾出了一些空间,会通知应用程序进行写入)、远程另一端已经关闭或者发生错误时,会将该事件加入到该key的'ready set'中,并将该key加入到selected-key set中。



Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations. This method performs a blocking selection operation. It returns only after at least one channel is selected, this selector's wakeup method is invoked, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever comes first.


关于写事件的注册与取消注册,大家可以看下Netty向网络中写数据的实现,正常情况下不会注册写事件,只是在发生写方法返回0,或者写半包的情况下,也即Channel没有准备好写入或者写缓冲已满,但是应用还有数据需要写的情况下才注册写事件,让Channel在准备好写入时及时通知应用,然后应用可以继续写,写完之后会及时取消对写事件的注册。后面会有专文介绍Netty Write原理。

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