Day 2 - 草稿

2022-06-24  本文已影响0人  今年27

1 明智的人从来不生气

smart man is never angry

标:a wise man never gets angry

is angry 生气的

gets angry 发脾气


2 早起的鸟儿有虫吃

The early bird catches the worm

早起的鸟儿有虫吃,晚起的鸟儿咬牙切齿;一分耕耘一分收获,没有耕耘,就鲜有收获;天助自助者(God helps those who help themselves),为了自己的理想目标,我们必须争分夺秒,争做捷足先登的人。

“早期的鸟儿有虫吃”用英语直译是 the early bird catches the worm,它是一个非常古老的英语谚语,而且经久不衰,也用来表示捷足先登,其常缩写为 early bird,它主要有以下几个意思。

1. early bird,表示早行动的人,特别是早起的人,例如:

We've always been early birds, getting up at 5.30 or 6am.


I never miss sunrise. I'm an early bird.


2. early bird,表示早到的人,例如:

The early birds get the best seats.


There were some early birds who arrived before the party was set to start.


3. early bird 也常用作形容词 early bird 或 early-bird,意为“先购买者可获优惠的”等,例如:

Early bird arrivals will be given a free cup of coffee.


An early-bird discount is sometimes available at the beginning of the season.


3 他成了一名英语老师

he becomes an english teacher

标 became 一般过去时


4 太阳从东边升起

the sun rises from the east

the sun rises in the east

虽然中文里说“从东方升起”,但英语却要说 in the east。这是为什么呢?


rises in the east

是根据rise这个动词的层面来理解的,rise表明了一种向上的移动,而这个动词过程是在某个方向里发生的,就比如太阳这个升起的动作是一直在东方完成的:in the East.


但如果你说太阳从东到西运行的过程,那确实是要说成travel from the East (to the West)”.

标 客观事实

5 请保持室内整洁

please keep the room clear

标 clear and tidy

tidy 整齐

6 我发现你是一个好人

I found you are a good man

I found you a nice guy

加 are 宾语从句

不加 are 宾补

标  a nice guy

7 他们暂时呆在北京

they are staying in Beijing

标 现在进行时

8 你能借给我那本英汉词典吗?

can you lend me that english-chinese book

9 你能提供包邮吗?

can you offer free shipping

do you offer free delivery

前者是美式英语,有可能是Ameican Slang,后面是英式

do you和can you的区别:

Do you重点突出后面的动词本身的含义,是日常的、经常性的,而Can you重点突出的是情态动词Can的含义,表示有没有这个能力或是Can的其他含义。

如:Do you speak English? 和Can you speak English? 前者指你讲英语吗?意思是英语是否是你日常使用的语言?而后者是问你有没有这个语言能力。

如:do you play football,你踢过球吗,can you play football,你能踢球吗,do you是你有没有做过,can you是你能不能做。

10 他看上去挺吃惊的

he looked like surprised

he looked astonished

1、astonish 语意较强,指对意外的事,特别是不可解释的事“感到惊讶”或“觉得大为惊惊异”,等于surprise greatly。


I was astonished at the news.听到这则消息我大吃惊。

His words astonished all.他的话使大家感到惊讶。

2、surprise 语气比astonish弱,指突然地或意外地“惊奇”、“诧异”或“惊骇”。强调出其不意的含义。也可指乘其不备地向某人“袭击”、“吐真言”等。


We were surprised at finding the laboratory empty.我们惊讶地发现实验室是空的。

His death surprised us all.他的死使我们大家都感惊愕。

We were surprised that he lost the game.我们对他在比赛中失败感到惊异。

11 他的头发已经白了

his hair is becoming white

his hair has turned grey

grey hair 灰白头发

总而言之,天然的白头发会说gray/grey hair, 而纯白纯白的头发/假发是white hair.


12 吠犬不咬人

the barking dog never bite man

barking dogs seldom bite

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