2018-06-30 办公室小白必备干货,不容错过!!超级有效的
How to write an effective subject line?
There are many ways of writing an email. Different people to write to, different occasions, and different purposes require different styles of writing an email. Here, HeyMail will introduce some tips to you of writing an effective subject line for formal business communication in order to improve your professional email writing skills which help in increasing your efficiency and your job performance.
写邮件的方式很多。邮件写给不同的人,在不同的场合,带着不同的目的则需要不同的写邮件方式。在此,为了提高您的技能,让您的电子邮件书写更专业,HeyMail 将向您介绍一些有助于正式业务沟通、写出有效标题的小技巧,以帮助您提高工作效率和工作绩效。
Subject Line:
Do: Be specific, be precise, be simple, and accurately describe your content and convey the purpose.
USE DO NOT : leave it blank, be vague, USE ALL CAPITALS, be offensive and hasty i.e. Read Immediately!! Important!! Quick Question!
When you write it, make sure that it contains few word of what your mail is about. Also, try to make it sound important by adding words like ‘updated’, ‘modified’, ‘new’. Try to avoid overusing words like urgent or important. Otherwise, the recipient will ignore.
Let the recipient know if you require a response as an acknowledgement is necessary in some situations.
In some cases, it becomes essential that the recipient not only reads your email but, also sends an acknowledgement in the shape of a response. In such a case, it is good to include it in the subject line e.g. Meeting on Friday – confirm by 9PM
Mention the person who referred you and make your offer clear
If you are mailing someone for the first time and there is a person who referred you, then mention the name of that person. It adds clarity and the recipient is then less likely to ignore the email. For example, Application for internship C/O Andrew Knolt. For a cold email, make your offer very clear and state it concisely.
如果您是第一次发邮件给某人,并且有一个人向他推荐了您,请提及该人的姓名。这样做增加了清晰度,减少了接收者忽略邮件的可能。例如,申请实习 C / O Andrew Knolt。对于不是特别熟但想要对方帮忙的邮件,确保您的意图非常清晰,陈述非常简洁。
Give it a personal touch
It is good to refer to the recipient by their name as it creates affinity between the sender and the recipient.
Remember, your recipients could be your employers, business partners, and clients. Your future depends on your proper communication. It starts with your subject line in the email.
Make sure to follow the guidelines for effective and efficient communication and get the tasks done!
References - Elis Musumano, Alison Doyle, Jerz, Wil, EFBC
参考 - Elis Musumano,Alison Doyle,Jerz,Wil,EFBC