Jony Ive谈苹果的创新与专注文化

2016-05-17  本文已影响49人  炮制IP

Jony Ive接受纽约时报采访时谈到创新和专注的一段文字,摘录如下:

Innovation at Apple has always been a team game. It has always been a case where you have a number of small groups working together. The industrial design team is a very small team. We’ve worked together, most for 15 or 20 years.

对于苹果来说,创新一直是团队作战的游戏。在这里,你永远看不到一个人单打独斗,而是一个又一个的小团队共同协作。苹果的工业设计团队规模非常小,我们这群人在一起已经工作了 15 到 20 年了。

That’s a fairly typical story here: Creative teams are small and very focused. One of the underlying characteristics is being inquisitive and being curious.


Often when I talk about what I do, making isn’t just this inevitable function tacked on at the end. The way we make our products is certainly equally as demanding and requires so much definition. I design and make. I can’t separate those two.


This is part of Steve’s legacy. Deep in the culture of Apple is this sense and understanding of design, developing and making. Form and the material and process – they are beautifully intertwined – completely connected. Unless we understand a certain material — metal or resin and plastic — understanding the processes that turn it from ore, for example – we can never develop and define form that’s appropriate.

这也是 Steve 留下的宝贵财富中的一部分。苹果文化中最深层的部分,就是对于设计的感知、理解、发展和制造。形式、材料和工艺流程,它们是彼此交织在一起的,是完全连接起来的。只有我们了解一种材料——不论是金属、树脂还是塑料,了解它们形成、存在的机制,我们才可以用它们创造出美好的事物。


One of the values of things I learned absolutely directly from Steve was the whole issue of focus. What are we focusing on: focus on product. I wish I could do a better job in communicating this truth here, which is when you really are focused on the product, that’s not a platitude. When that truly is your reason for coming into the studio, is just to try to make the very best product you can, when that is exclusive of everything else, it’s remarkable how insignificant or unimportant a lot of other stuff becomes. Titles or organizational structures, that’s not the lens through which we see our peers.

我从 Steve 那里直接学到的最重要的价值观念,就是对于产品的专注。我希望我能够把这种专注描述的更清楚,因为当你真的真的专注于你的产品的时候,它并不是陈词滥调。当专注成为你来到工作室里的目标的时候,当你最根本也是最终极的目标,就是创造你能创造的最好的产品的时候,其他一切事物的重要性都已经丝毫无存了。头衔,或者组织结构,那并不是我们专注于我们目标的放大镜。




来自:Jonathan Ive on Apple’s Design Process and Product Philosophy


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