
Learn from KFC Boycott:Keep away from Crazy Patriotism!
【Background Information】
On July 12th, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hagueruled overwhelmingly in favor of the Philippines, saying there was no legalbasis for China's claim to a large part of the South China Sea. China stronglyrejected the decision.
The South China Sea dispute case was initiated by thePhilippines and its allies the US and Japan have interfered in this issue,which has aroused public indignation in China. Some Chinese expressed theiranger on the Internet by degrading Filipinos as mango sellers, while a fewChinese resorted to a more irrational and unreasonable way — launching aboycott campaign against United States, Japanese and Philippine products— to showtheir “patriotism”.
【News Highlight】
Because of Washington's interference in the South China Seadisputes, some KFC outlets in China have been the target of “patriotic” protesters.From Tangshan in North China’s Hebei province to Changsha in Central China'sHunan province there have been dozens of reports about people assemblingoutside KFC outlets with banners, some of which read: “US food out of China!” “Refusethe foreign rubbish food!”
The recent protests have interfered with the business of theserestaurants. Some of the “patriots” reportedly entered KFC outlets, recordedvideos and tried to force customers to stop eating and leave; some even havehumiliated and harassed customers, calling KFC customers "traitors"and claiming they are not being patriotic.
Furthermore, three men have been detained for organizingprotests to impede the operations of US fast-food chain KFC in Henan province,police said. The men “illegally organized netizens to block two KFC restaurants”on Tuesday, according to the Puyang police micro blog. In an earlier post onTuesday, the Puyang police said they had noticed posts on messaging app WeChatinciting people to demonstrate against and boycott KFC. The post warned thatanyone disturbing a company's production and operations would be punished underChinese law.
【Brief Reflection】
Perhaps the “patriots” believe they could deal the US a bigeconomic blow by boycotting its fast food chains. However,they don't have any knowledge about themodern industrial chain. They don't know or care that KFC outlets in China arerun by Chinese, and by boycotting them they will jeopardize the livelihoods oftens of thousands of compatriots.
While the motivation behind the calls to boycott businesses fromthe United States, the Philippines or Japan may be an emotional demonstrationof their love for their motherland in the face of these countries’ indecentroles in the South China Sea disputes, putting a banner in front of a KFCoutlet to stop other people from dining there is not only a cry far frompatriotism, but also the violation of the law.
Patriotism is not the hotchpotch of actions that self-claimedpatriots select to do. Nor can it be used as a label to provideself-justification and legal grounds for extreme actions that violate the law.
Even if some believe it is necessary to express their anger atthe award in the arbitration initiated by the Philippines over its dispute withChina, they may apply for approval from a local public security department foran assembly, which can be organized in a peaceful manner without disruptingpublic order.
We want Chinese people to be patriotic with rationality, ratherthan in a silly way. And we want Chinese people to learn from the KFC boycott —keep away from crazy patriotism.
1. boycott
v.to refuse tobuy, use ortake part in sth. as a way of protesting
n. ~ (of/on sth.) an act of boycotting sth.
E.g:We are asking people to boycott goods fromcompanies that use child labor.
2. resort to
to make use of sth., especially sth. bad, as ameans of achieving sth., often because there is no other possible solution
E.g:They felt obliged to resort to violence.
3. violate the law
to go against or refuse to obey a law
E.g:They went to prison because they violated the law.
(文章转自微信公众号:奇喵校园 ) 点击阅读原文 收听音频。