

2020-09-14  本文已影响0人  吃醋不吃辣的雷儿


Some people think that climate change has negative effects on business, while other people believe climate
change creates more opportunities for business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

正反式观点,双边讨论题,气候变化对于企业的影响是积极的还是消极的,限定对于企业的影响,考点为气候变化→环境(能源(清洁燃料 化石燃料)污染(交通、工业、家庭垃圾)动植物(动物捕杀 为了商业利益和口腹之欲 为了住房和工厂 植被破坏 去森林化 荒漠化))


气候变化对于企业的消极影响:政府出台一系列法律法规来延缓气候变化——降低碳排放、减少化石燃料的燃烧、大力使用清洁能源,immature、inconsistent,增加企业的生产成本increase the cost of production,降低经济效益reduce the profit
还有就是政府会制定更加严格的产业标准 introduce more strict standard to the industry,当某些企业达不到这个标准时 fail to meet the requirement,可能会被关闭 be closed
气候变化为企业创造出的机会:注重新能源和环保的公司 environmentally friendly companies会得到快速的发展比如利用太阳能取暖 heating with solar energy,使用核能发电 generate electricity with nuclear power,还有生产电动汽车的企业 manufacture electric cars,这些公司反而能够享受政府的优惠政策 enjoy the government’s favorable policies,并且在市场竞争中占据优势 gain an advantage in the competition
技术落后backward technology、能源消耗大high consumption of energy、排放污染物多的小企业会被关闭emit large quantities of pollutants,那些大企业能够发展得更好,大企业有实力 have the financial strength 投入更多资金去研发先进的技术 research and develop advanced technology

Demand for food is increasing worldwide.Why is the case and how can international community solve it?

人口增加population increases COVID-19 疫情原因 运输困难 破坏贸易平衡 transport destroy trade balance
自然灾害disaster earthquake flood drought发生导致粮食产量的下降 reduce production of crops
粮食出口国对于进口国的国际援助 international aid Lebanon and Africa starvation
疫情早日结束 疫苗的研制 vaccine

Some people think it is one of the best ways to solve the environmental problems by increasing the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree

one of the best 非绝对 目的 environmental problems 并列 cars and vehicles

Some people believe that human beings and the public transport are mainly responsible for the environmental pollution, do you agree or disagree with this idea? How can the government and individuals solve the environmental pollution

提到public transport 是对环境有污染的 planes trains buses

Everyone uses social media to get in touch with other people and social events, do you think the development of advantages outweigh the disadvantages

social event:non-commercial concert , charity livestreams,live interaction with celebrities

Many museums and historical sites are visited by tourists, but not local people,why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people

less familiar with local destinations ;rely on maps and hot landmarks
lack personal interest and the motivation to understand local cultures
cultural and technological interactions ;family-friendly activities such as seminars and lectures
local non-commercials ; ID cards for discounts

Films and computer games containing violence are popular.Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Others say they are just harmless relaxation.Discuss both views and give your opinion.

films and computer games ; on society

Some people think the most important thing about being rich is helping other people.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

the most important thing ; completely disagree
施惠者 personal aspirations 受惠者 beneficiaries lazy and deskilled
different definition of being rich/ affluent ordinary people

Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals.To what extent do you think crime is determined by human nature? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?

nature : genetic makeup ; intelligence vs nurture : family school media

Some people think that secondary school children should study in international news as one of the school subjects. Other people think that it is a waste of valuable school time.Discuss both and give your own opinions.

elementary education ; secondary = middle + high ; tetiary education = university
current : geography, history , foreign languages
future : interest, university majors

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