Computer have a lot of uses. First, people use computers to work out complicated mathematical problems. Second, people use them to store useful information. Third, people use them to undertake dangerous tasks instead of human being. Fourth , people use them to control the assembly lines in factories. Finally, people use them to entertain themselves.
这段话虽然分成了五个句子来表达,但整段文章用词单一、句型单调、千篇一律用“people use them to do sth.”表达。
例如,在2013年的三套四级真题中,写作部分都与科技、网络有关。考生在写作时常要用到“搜索信息”“浏览网页”等相关词汇的英文表达。一看到“搜索”这个词,大多数考生首先想到的都是look for这个小学时就学过的短语。试想一下,如果每位考生通篇用的都是这同一个短语,阅卷老师能不感到审美疲劳吗?因此,在选用词汇时,考生一定要精益求精,多样表达,多用一些“闪光”词汇,给自己的写作加分。仍以“搜索”为例,除了look for这个平淡无奇的短语,考生还可以选用search for、hunt for等常用短语。更“时髦”一点的考生还可以选用google这个词。在这里,google可不只是搜索引擎的名字,还有“上网搜索、查询”的含义。
纵观历年四级写作,议论文偏多,考生在写作时常常要表达自己的观点。除了I think或in my opinion这种俗到家的短语,考生还可以选用以下几组表达。
I reckon / Personally:用于阐述个人观点,和I think类似,没有那么正式。
In my view:比in my opinion要正式一些,常用于在讨论重要问题时表达个人观点。
It seems to me:用于表达个人感觉或是比较模糊的看法。
All things considered:强调自己在发表观点时已经综合考虑了多种因素。
To be honest / To tell you the truth / To be frank / To my mind / As far as I’m concerned:皆用于表达不受对方欢迎或赞同的观点。
例如,在2014年12月的四级真题中,有一套题的写作题目是“大学里使你受益最多的一项校园活动”(a campus activity that has benefited you most)。答题时,很多考生都会用到“课余活动”这个词,却又不知其对应的英文该怎么说。“课余活动”的“标准”英文是extracurricular life,“丰富学生们的课余活动”就可以说成enrich students’ extracurricular life。不过,有很多考生都想不起或是不知道extracurricular这个词。考生完全可以换一种思路。顾名思义,“课余活动”是在课后进行的活动,因此可以直接说成after-class activities。如果连这个都想不起来也没关系,考生可以直接用campus activities来概括。
考生在运用词汇的转换原则时,通常会用到三种方法:①联想同/近义词;②详细解释;③用笼统词代替具体词。例如,如果考生想不起“噩梦”的英文nightmare,可以用同义词bad dream进行替换;如果考生要形容一个人很固执,却又想不起stubborn这个词,那就可以解释成a person who never listens to other’s advice;而上文中用campus activities取代after-class activities的做法就是在用笼统词代替具体词。
1.It’s important toset aside time for relaxation,hobbies,and entertainment as well.
2.Improved consumer confidenceis extremely important toan economic recovery
3.What is importantin both stories that honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.
4.The ability to observe keenly and in detailis necessary foranyone who wishes to become a scientist.
5.To find a solution to a conflict,it is often necessary tomake some kind of compromise
6.A harmonious atmosphereis essential(necessary /critical/indispensable) tosuccessful reform
7.It is essential thatthe increase in production should be geared to the increase in public demand.