Android automotive OS 和 Android

2019-07-16  本文已影响0人  小high球


Android Car

Android Car为开发人员提供了两种互补的汽车体验解决方案

Android Auto提供的是在用安卓手机上的交通工具优化体验。如果用户的汽车支持Android Auto,用户可以直接在汽车显示屏幕上连接手机。你可以在在你的手机上添加服务,以此让Android Auto用于展示对驾驶更友好的界面

Android Automotive OS是一个用于汽车厂商在汽车上建立的信息系统。Google automovie的服务商可以在Google应用商店里为任意的汽车厂商下载Android app。用户可以直接在中控台上安装为汽车优化的版本,这样就可以替代手机上的app。


Android for Cars provides two complementary ways for developers to deliver their app experiences in a car:

Android Auto provides a vehicle-optimized experience for users with an Android phone. If a car's head unit supports Android Auto, users can use your app directly on their car’s display by connecting their phone. You can support Android Auto by adding services to your phone app that Android Auto uses to display a driver-optimized interface. 

Android Automotive OS is an infotainment system built into vehicles by car makers. Android apps that support its requirements can be downloaded from the Google Play Store to any vehicle manufactured by a Google Automotive Services partner. Instead of using your phone app, users install a vehicle-optimized version of your app directly onto the head unit. You can reuse services that you create for Android Automotive OS for Android Auto, but in the short term you must design some activities such as sign-in and settings for in-vehicle use.

Car makers who wish to provide Google services such as Maps, Play Store, Assistant, and so on can work directly with Google to support Google Automotive Services (GAS). GAS consists of software built on top of Android Automotive OS for the purpose of delivering such services.

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