
2019-04-10 翻译案例 12

2019-04-10  本文已影响0人  中英双语世界



译文:He is accused of underreporting his salary.

分析:under这个prefix非常有用,低报用underreport特别形象,低报收入在有的国家是违法的。Under还可以和perform搭配underperform就是没表现好,没发挥好,万金油的prefix。Under reporting,其实是一种明确写入法条的罪名,会导致政府税收减少,下面是其英文定义:Under reporting is the deliberate act of reporting less income or revenue than was actually received, usually for income tax purposes. Under reporting income in order to avoid taxes is an illegal practice. When people underreport their incomes, the federal government loses tax revenue that could go toward social security, Medicare and other federal projects. Corporations are especially watched by auditors because of the large tax bills at stake each tax year.

1. Most studies find that people generally underreport alcohol consumption by about 40% to 60%. 大多数研究发现人们通常会将饮酒量少报40%到60%。

2. A lack of training on pharmacovigilance(药物警戒) likely leads pharmacists to underreport adverse drug reactions (ADRs)(药物不良反应).由于缺乏药物警戒培训,很可能会导致药剂师低报药物不良反应。

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