ReactiveCocoa 5.0 的 简单 应用

2016-11-25  本文已影响603人  d4d98020ef88


之前只是用过ReactiveCocoa 2.5 的OC版本,简单的理解了一些Signal和Signal的基本操作符。Swift3.0 出来之后粗略的看了几个星期,几个星期看下来感觉跟JS 还是很像的,但是又有很多OC的影子,总的来说Swift比OC更加友好,更加的好用。

由于ReactiveCocoa 5.0刚出来网上基本上没有详细的教程,所以只能硬着头皮看ReactiveCocoa的英文文档了,然后看文档的过程中发现了@没故事的卓同学的翻译,基本上ReactiveCocoa 4.0的文档他都翻译出来了。对比5.0 文档中的修改,还是比较容易理解的。但是有很多细节的地方翻译是有问题的,总的来说还是看原文的文档比较好。

ReactiveCocoa 4 文档翻译目录

ReactiveCocoa 的基础知识

这边主要是介绍ReactiveCocoa 5.0 的框架部分,其他的Signal操作符其实跟OC的区别不是很大。


事件是ReactiveCocoa 中传播(center-piece of communication)的核心。Event 是一个枚举类型,有四个类型。每一种情况都会发送给Signal 的订阅者。

/// Represents a signal event.
/// Signals must conform to the grammar:
/// `value* (failed | completed | interrupted)?`
public enum Event<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
    /// A value provided by the signal.
    case value(Value)

    /// The signal terminated because of an error. No further events will be
    /// received.
    case failed(Error)

    /// The signal successfully terminated. No further events will be received.
    case completed

    /// Event production on the signal has been interrupted. No further events
    /// will be received.
    /// - important: This event does not signify the successful or failed
    ///              completion of the signal.
    case interrupted

    /// Whether this event indicates signal termination (i.e., that no further
    /// events will be received).
    public var isTerminating: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .value:
            return false

        case .failed, .completed, .interrupted:
            return true

    /// Lift the given closure over the event's value.
    /// - important: The closure is called only on `value` type events.
    /// - parameters:
    ///   - f: A closure that accepts a value and returns a new value
    /// - returns: An event with function applied to a value in case `self` is a
    ///            `value` type of event.
    public func map<U>(_ f: (Value) -> U) -> Event<U, Error> {
        switch self {
        case let .value(value):
            return .value(f(value))

        case let .failed(error):
            return .failed(error)

        case .completed:
            return .completed

        case .interrupted:
            return .interrupted

    /// Lift the given closure over the event's error.
    /// - important: The closure is called only on failed type event.
    /// - parameters:
    ///   - f: A closure that accepts an error object and returns
    ///        a new error object
    /// - returns: An event with function applied to an error object in case
    ///            `self` is a `.Failed` type of event.
    public func mapError<F>(_ f: (Error) -> F) -> Event<Value, F> {
        switch self {
        case let .value(value):
            return .value(value)

        case let .failed(error):
            return .failed(f(error))

        case .completed:
            return .completed

        case .interrupted:
            return .interrupted

    /// Unwrap the contained `value` value.
    public var value: Value? {
        if case let .value(value) = self {
            return value
        } else {
            return nil

    /// Unwrap the contained `Error` value.
    public var error: Error? {
        if case let .failed(error) = self {
            return error
        } else {
            return nil

上面是ReactiveCocoa 的源码,可以清楚的看到Event的结构跟属性。这里需要强调的是failed(Error),completed,interrupted三种类型出现都会取消Signal的订阅,这就是Signal的 dispose方法,这个比较关键。map 和 mapError 方法则是转换和转换错误,这里就不介绍了。

Observers (观察者)

Observer是指任何等待从信号中接收事件的东西。类似于OC中的订阅者,这边翻译为订阅者应该更为贴切,我们还是先看看ReactiveCocoa 的源码。

/// A protocol for type-constrained extensions of `Observer`.
public protocol ObserverProtocol {
    associatedtype Value
    associatedtype Error: Swift.Error

    /// Puts a `value` event into `self`.
    func send(value: Value)

    /// Puts a failed event into `self`.
    func send(error: Error)

    /// Puts a `completed` event into `self`.
    func sendCompleted()

    /// Puts an `interrupted` event into `self`.
    func sendInterrupted()

/// An Observer is a simple wrapper around a function which can receive Events
/// (typically from a Signal).
public final class Observer<Value, Error: Swift.Error> {
    public typealias Action = (Event<Value, Error>) -> Void

    /// An action that will be performed upon arrival of the event.
    public let action: Action

    /// An initializer that accepts a closure accepting an event for the 
    /// observer.
    /// - parameters:
    ///   - action: A closure to lift over received event.
    public init(_ action: @escaping Action) {
        self.action = action

订阅者可以观察Event这个 枚举属性,也可以单独的对某一个状态进行订阅。

Property (属性)

Property 一个属性表现为 PropertyType协议(protocol), 保存一个值,并且会将将来每次值的变化通知给观察者们。

/// Represents a property that allows observation of its changes.
/// Only classes can conform to this protocol, because having a signal
/// for changes over time implies the origin must have a unique identity.
public protocol PropertyProtocol: class {
    associatedtype Value

    /// The current value of the property.
    var value: Value { get }

    /// The values producer of the property.
    /// It produces a signal that sends the property's current value,
    /// followed by all changes over time. It completes when the property
    /// has deinitialized, or has no further change.
    var producer: SignalProducer<Value, NoError> { get }

    /// A signal that will send the property's changes over time. It
    /// completes when the property has deinitialized, or has no further
    /// change.
    var signal: Signal<Value, NoError> { get }

property的当前值可以通过获取 value获得。producer返回一个会一直发送值变化信号生成者(signal producer ),

<~运算符是提供了几种不同的绑定属性的方式。注意这里绑定的属性必须是 MutablePropertyType类型的。

property <~ signal将一个属性和信号绑定在一起,属性的值会根据信号送过来的值刷新。
property <~ producer 会启动这个producer,并且属性的值也会随着这个产生的信号送过来的值刷新。
property <~ otherProperty将一个属性和另一个属性绑定在一起,这样这个属性的值会随着源属性的值变化而变化。`


Actions (动作)

动作用 Action类型表示,指当有输入时会做一些工作。当动作执行时,会有0个或者多个值输出;或者会产生一个失败。


为了和NSControl和UIControl交互,RAC提供了 CocoaAction类型可以桥接到OC下使用。

** 其他的一些内容跟OC版本差不多,具体的还是要看API。**

ReactiveCocoa 的使用


        let label = UILabel.init()
        label.textAlignment = .center
        label.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
        let title: String = "2333"
        label.text = title
        let textField = UITextField.init()
        textField.borderStyle = .roundedRect
        textField.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in

先创建一个label 和一个 textfield。

//property <~ signal 将一个属性和信号绑定在一起,属性的值会根据信号送过来的值刷新。
//property <~ producer 会启动这个producer,并且属性的值也会随着这个产生的信号送过来的值刷新。
//property <~ otherProperty将一个属性和另一个属性绑定在一起,这样这个属性的值会随着源属性的值变化而变化。
//DynamicProperty 类型用于桥接OC的要求KVC或者KVO的API,比如 NSOperation。要提醒的是大部分AppKit和UIKit的属性都不支持KVO,所以要观察它们值的变化需要通过其他的机制。相比 DynamicProperty要优先使用  MutablePropertyType类型。
label.reactive.text <~ textField.reactive.continuousTextValues

可以通过Signal将 label的text 跟 textfield的输入内容绑定。

/// 下面的demo可以通过RAC来实现 textField的实时搜索功能

        let textFieldStrings = textField.reactive.continuousTextValues
        let searchResults = textFieldStrings
                .flatMap(.latest) { (query: String?) -> SignalProducer<(Data, URLResponse), NSError> in
                let request = self.makeSearchRequest(escapedQuery: query)
                return URLSession.shared.reactive
                    .data(with: request)
                    .retry(upTo: 2)
                    .flatMapError({ (error) in
                    print("Network error occurred: \(error)")
                    return SignalProducer.empty

根据textField的 输入内容进行网络请求

        let textFieldStrings = textField.reactive.continuousTextValues
        let searchResults = textFieldStrings
            .flatMap(.latest) { (query: String?) -> SignalProducer<(Data, URLResponse), NSError> in
                let request = self.makeSearchRequest(escapedQuery: query)
                return URLSession.shared.reactive
                    .data(with: request)
                    .retry(upTo: 2)
                    .flatMapError({ (error) in
                    print("Network error occurred: \(error)")
                    return SignalProducer.empty
        .map { (data, response) -> [SearchResult] in
            let string = String.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
            do {
                let dic = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as! Dictionary<String, Any>
                let arr = dic["data"]
                debugPrint(arr as! [Any])
            }catch {
            return [SearchResult.init(string: string)]
        .throttle(1.5, on: QueueScheduler.main)
        .take(until: self.reactive.trigger(for: #selector(viewDidDisappear(_:))))

使用map(转换)、throttle(缓冲) 对信号进行操作。

searchResults.observe { event in
    //event 是一个枚举类型
    switch event {
    case let .value(values):
        debugPrint("Search results: \(values.first?.string)")
    case let .failed(error):
        print("Search error: \(error)")
    case .completed, .interrupted:
        debugPrint("search completed!!!")

对信号 进行订阅,就可以得到网络请求得到的数据,可以用于进行后续操作。




