2020-04-25 本文已影响0人
0. 链接
1. 题目
Given a collection of integers that might contain duplicates, nums, return all possible subsets (the power set).
Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets.
Input: [1,2,2]
2. 思路1:迭代法
- 先计算出每个数字的出现次数
- 对于不重复数字, 逐个迭代,并添加到结果列表里
- 每次迭代一个数字时,都在前面已经得出的结果列表的基础上,新增若干个(1~count)数字组成新列表,添加到结果中
- 等将所有不重复数字都迭代一遍后,将得到所有可能的子集
3. 代码
# coding:utf8
from typing import List
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def subsetsWithDup(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
# 先统计每个元素的出现次数
num_dict = defaultdict(int)
for num in nums:
num_dict[num] += 1
# 迭代的收集结果列表
rtn_list = [[]]
for num, count in num_dict.items():
before_size = len(rtn_list)
for i in range(before_size):
for freq in range(1, count + 1):
rtn_list.append(rtn_list[i] + [num] * freq)
return rtn_list
def my_test(solution, nums):
print('input: nums={}; output: {}'.format(nums, solution.subsetsWithDup(nums)))
solution = Solution()
my_test(solution, [1, 2, 2])
my_test(solution, [0])
input: nums=[1, 2, 2]; output: [[], [1], [2], [2, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2, 2]]
input: nums=[0]; output: [[], [0]]