Brush your teeth
所以我们今天学习的是一节Brush your teeth的儿歌课。通过这首歌可以让孩子学会与刷牙相关的表达。这首歌也有许多英语表达,在孩子自己操作动作中便学会了,根本不需要死记硬背。比如:关于方向的词:up and down,round and round,from left to right;关于时间的词:in the morning and night;关于为什么刷的词:to keep the teeth white。等等。快来看下歌词吧:
Brush your teeth 刷牙歌
Brush your teeth, just open wide.
Brush your teeth from side to side.
Brush your teeth you sleepy head.
Brush your teeth before you go to bed.
Brush brush brush.
Brush brush brush.
Brush your teeth before you go to bed.
Brush your teeth up and down.
Brush your teeth round and round.
Brush your teeth from left to right.
Brush your teeth in the morning and night.
Brush brush brush.
Brush brush brush.
Brush your teeth in the morning and night.
我们知道牙刷是toothbrush,那么小宝宝用到的牙刷叫什么呢?finger toothbrush,就是手指套牙刷啦!然后我们还可以跟宝宝对话,牙刷在哪里呀?Where's the toothbrush?还有牙膏的表达是toothpaste。我们给宝贝说:来点牙膏add some toothpaste。