
2018-12-04  本文已影响20人  ae12

来自一位60+的Steve Van Damme的回答:

Invest time in developing your mental potential. I don't mean mental exercises, there are plenty of good suggestions about that here and everywhere. I'm talking about developing your CAPACITY to think deeper and more steady. Increase your conscious capacity. I'm talking about training your brain to function more efficiently and holistically to express more consciousness. To do this you need to develop what is called "total brain functioning". Total brain functioning means whatever you choose to focus your attention on, your brain can call upon all of its innate ability to function optimally so the clearest knowledge is created.


Knowledge is structured in consciousness. Think about the implications of that statement. Consciousness is more basic than knowledge. Without consciousness, you cannot synthesize your knowledge. With cloudy or distorted consciousness (from drugs or stress or poor food or whatever) your knowledge will be likewise affected.


2.来自Robert Carscadden的回答:

Face your fear. Dig deep to understand the source of whatever discomforts you, then walk straight into it and immerse yourself fully. Through practice and personal experience, you will learn that in this life there is nothing to fear. Fear is the only thing to be afraid of (sorry Winston).

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