

2020-08-15  本文已影响0人  夏雨雪_7bbc

1. What do you think is the purpose of reading? 你认为阅读的目的是什么?

I think the purpose of reading is to gain knowledge, recreate or just have some fun. through reading you can exercise your brain, open your new and interesting ideas, build your vocabulary, and improve your writing.我认为阅读的目的是为了获取知识,重新创造,或者只是为了找点乐子。通过阅读,你可以锻炼你的大脑,打开你的新的和有趣的想法,扩大你的词汇量,提高你的写作水平。

2. Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite book character?你最喜欢的作者是谁?你最喜欢的角色是谁?

My favorite author is San Mao, a female writer from Taiwan. her works are emotionally real, without much sugar-coating, but show the original appearance of life, the wisdom and interest in life.我最喜欢的作家是三毛,一位来自台湾的女作家。她的作品情感真实,没有太多的粉饰,却展现了生活的本来面目,展现了生活的智慧和趣味。

My favorite book character is Monkey King, in my opinion he is a character of truth, goodness and beauty, he is interesting, and full of wisdom.我最喜欢的书中的人物是孙悟空,在我看来,他是一个真善美的人物,他有趣,充满智慧。


