
2020-05-23  本文已影响0人  一池栏尘

1: I haven't played mobilephone and compute games for a long time. Due to corona-virus, there are many works need to handle. so I haven't got enough time do some entertainments during the day. and recently my friends recommended me some Oral English videos. It takes 2 hours to watch those videos every day. so there is not much time to play other entertainments in the evening. But in the past. I would accompany my son to the park on weekends. we ride bikes and play outdoor games together.

2: 中文大概内容(最近几年,我都没怎么参加一些活动。但是会参加一些公司举办的一些活动,令人比较深刻的是每年一次的徒步旅行。全长20 km。我需要花三个小时半才能走完全部。我们和同事和好友组队一起。虽然花的时间很长,过程也很辛苦。但还是一次很有趣的户外活动。)
I haven't participated in some activities in recent years. but I would attend some activities held by the company. What is more impressive is the hiking. It is 20 kilometers long. It will take me three and a half hours to walk the whole distance. I will form a team with my colleagues and friends. Although it takes a very long time and we stick to it by perseverance. it was a very interesting event.

3: Yes, I do. I have been working from home for 4 months.


