Push through to completion
f. Recognize that it doesn’t take a lot of time to design a good plan. A plan can be sketched out and refined in just hours or spread out over days or weeks. But the process is essential because it determines what you will have to do to be effective. Too many people make the mistake of spending virtually no time
on designing because they are preoccupied with execution. Remember: Designing precedes doing!
要明白,规划一个好方案不一定需要很多 时间。草拟和完善一个方案,可以用短短几个小 时,也可以用几天甚至几周,但这个过程是必不 可少的,因为它确保你将做的事是有效的。太多 人犯的错误是,一心想着执行,所以几乎不花时 间来规划。谨记:规划先于行动!
2.5 Push through to completion.
a. Great planners who don’t execute their plans go nowhere. You need to push through and that requires self-discipline to follow your script. It’s important to remember the connections between your tasks and the goals that they are meant to achieve. When you feel yourself losing sight of that, stop and ask yourself “why?” Lose sight of the why and you will surely lose sight of your goals.
规划做得再好,不执行也无济于事。你需 要坚定地执行方案,这需要严格遵守方案的自 律。你应当时刻谨记任务及其意在实现的目标之 间的联系。当你觉得看不清其间的联系时,就暂 停一下,问问自己为什么看不清。找不到原因, 你就肯定会迷失自己的目标。