
2024-09-20  本文已影响0人  綠笛

The Story of Philosophy的第151句:第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第11段第3句:

Imagine the reaction of the popular party at Athens to this aristocratic gospel at a time when war seemed to require the silencing of all criticism, and when the wealthy and lettered minority were plotting a revolution. Consider the feelings of Anytus, the democratic leader whose son had become a pupil of Socrates, and had then turned against the gods of his father, and laughed in his father's face. Had not Aristophanes predicted precisely such a result from this specious replacement of the old virtues by unsocial intelligence.4
4:In The Clouds(423 B.C.)Aristophanes had made great fun of Socrates and his "Thinking-shop", where one learned the art of proving one's self right, however wrong. Phidippides beats his father on the ground that his father used to beat him, and ever debt should be repaid. The satire seems to have been good-natured bought: we find Aristophanes frequently in the company of Socrates; they agreed in their scorn of democracy; and Plato recommended The Clouds to Dionysius. As the play was brought out twenty-four years before the trial of Socrates, it could have had no great share in bringing the tragic of dénouement of the philosopher's life.
浙江大学译本:阿里斯托芬 ②难道不是早就预测到这种由反社会的智慧似是而非地取代旧道德的结果了吗?③


1、Had not Aristophanes predicted precisely such a result from this specious replacement of the old virtues by unsocial intelligence.
specious:falsely appearing to be fair, just, or right 似是而非的,貌似真的
She struck a match and lighted it up with a great specious glow which illuminated the room. 她划了一根火柴,把它点燃,似是而非的光芒照亮了整个房间。《小公主》

2、4:In The Clouds(423 B.C.)Aristophanes had made great fun of Socrates and his "Thinking-shop", where one learned the art of proving one's self right, however wrong. Phidippides beats his father on the ground that his father used to beat him, and ever debt should be repaid. The satire seems to have been good-natured enough: we find Aristophanes frequently in the company of Socrates; they agreed in their scorn of democracy; and Plato recommended The Clouds to Dionysius. As the play was brought out twenty-four years before the trial of Socrates, it could have had no great share in bringing the tragic of dénouement of the philosopher's life.
satire:a way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. : humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society, etc 讽刺
In its venerable one coat lay a certain vein of satire on human vanity in clothes.这一古旧衣服对于人类在追求服饰方面的虚荣心含有讥讽的意味。《还乡》
scorn:a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval 蔑视,轻视
Aside from the chief villain, Western leaders too come in for quiet but deserved scorn.除首要的反面人物外,西方领导人也受到悄无声息但应有的蔑视。字典《经济学人》
bring out:to show (something) : to cause (something) to appear or to be more easily seen出版,上映
Soon competitors bring out their own machines.很快竞争者竞相面世他们自己的机器。
dénouement:[=denouement]the final part of something (such as a book, a play, or a series of events)
It was a horrific denouement to the wildest con ever pulled.这就是这场有史以来最疯狂的骗局的可怕结局。






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