

2016-07-04  本文已影响1691人  全职妈妈爱丽丝

我在Shenzhen Daily(深圳日报)上看到了这篇英文文章-日记会改变你的生活,觉得不错,就把它翻译了出来,奉献给大家。

我是从小学开始写日记的,这帮助我找到了许多写作文的窍门,学会用心观察和体会生活。直到现在,我还会记得小时候在日记本扉页上写的话:“日记日记,天天要记,一天不记,就会忘记! ”

的确如此,只有以图片或文字记录下当天发生的事情,日后你才会回忆起来,才会记住这一天。写日记对孩子写作文非常有帮助, 可以积累大量写作的素材和灵感,我想以后我也一定会鼓励自己的孩子每天写日记。








原文 (From Shenzhen Daily)

Journaling will transform your life

If you want to connect with your higher purpose, spark creativity or organize your life, a journal can help you do it all. A journal can play the role of a therapist or a good friend by creating a space for you to simply be you and express yourself.

Conner Habib, a Los Angeles-based author and writing coach, recommends getting a pen and journal specifically for the purpose. The rules are: There are no rules, only tips and techniques to help you get started on your journaling journey.

1. Increase productivity

Experience is the best teacher, but new research shows that doing can be more effective if it’s accompanied with reflection. Setting aside 15 minutes to reflect and write at the end of your workday can improve performance. In one study, participants wrote what went well that day and what didn’t. The employees that recorded their thoughts reported 23 percent higher performance.

How to get started: At the end of the workday or before going to sleep, record what went well that day and where there’s room for improvement. Perhaps record a few action steps you’d like to implement the next day and see if you get different results.

2. Spark your creativity

The creative process can be tricky. Sometimes it’s flowing — and sometimes it’s not. The good news is you can turn the creative faucet back on with a few noteworthy journaling techniques like non-dominant handwriting. Using your non-dominant hand activates the right brain, which is known to be home to visual processing, imagination and creativity. Sure, your penmanship may not be fantastic, but the thoughts, emotions and words that come out on paper may be a work of art.

How to get started: To take it to the next level, take your journaling outdoors and get moving. Carry a pen and small notebook in your pocket when you’re on a walk in nature. Some of the best ideas come when you’re moving, getting oxygen to your brain and creating space for thoughts to flow more freely. Another way to spur inspiration when you seem to have lost the creative spark is to write morning pages. Julia Cameron, author of "The Artist’s Way," recommends writing three notebook-size pages in a stream-of-consciousness style in the morning. This can serve as a "mental dump" if you feel stressed or creatively blocked, or it can be a guide for further self-exploration.


3. Reduce anxiety and stress

Suppressing emotions can be very harmful psychologically as well as physically. You can get stuck in a traumatic experience from the past or become fearful of the future. When this happens, you tend to relive the experience or imagine the fear over and over again, causing your body to release the same chemicals as if it were actually happening (adrenaline and cortisol, for example). This can lead to debilitating pain and stress-related diseases.

How to get started: When you feel stressed, it’s important to have an outlet; a safe place to share your emotions and let go. Sports neuropsychologist Douglas Polster uses a technique called "worry it out." He advises his patients to take 30 minutes a day to stress (if needed). "Write it down, visualize those negative thoughts coming out of your head, through the pen and onto the paper, and let them go," he says. When your 30 minutes is up, that’s it! Time to move on from the worry and stress.

4. Get your priorities in order

Between work, workouts, social obligations and family matters, life can feel extremely overwhelming at times. According to Psychology Today, "Too much information freezes our brain’s dynamic frontal lobe capacity to engage in clear thinking and discerning decision making." Taking time out of your busy schedule to analyze what’s actually on your schedule for the day and how you plan to tackle it allows you to be more intentional with each day.

How to get started: "Ask yourself: What is my morning going to look like? What is my afternoon going to look like? What would I like to accomplish throughout the day? It works much better than making it up as you go along throughout the day," says Polster. In the morning, jotdown your schedule, where you need to be at what time, your top three to five priorities and what must get to ied. For example, make an imprtant phone at a deadline or make it.

翻译(by Alice)









如何开始:你可以到户外记日记,开始行动。当你在大自然中散步时可以带上一支笔和小笔记本放在你口袋里。当你走动的时候,你的大脑会吸入一些氧气,为你的想法创造一个自由流动的空间,这时候最佳创意就会产生。当你似乎要失去创意灵感的时候,另一个激发灵感的办法就是写晨间日志。卡梅伦朱丽亚,《艺术家的方法》的作者,建议在早晨的时候,以纪录意识流的方式写下三页笔记本大小的日志, 如果你感到有压力或创意受阻的情况,这儿就像一个"心灵垃圾场",或者也可以作为更进一步探索自我的指南。


压抑情绪在心理上和身体上都是非常有害的。你也许会被过去的惨痛经历困住或者惧怕未来。当发生这样的事情时, 你会试图缓解这种伤痛感或者不断地想象恐惧的滋味,这样会导致你的身体就像真实发生一样释放相同的化学物质(比如肾上腺素和皮质醇)。也会导致身体虚弱疼痛或得与压力相关的疾病。






