作者:Andrew T. Pham
A patent portfolio can be a significant part of a corporation’s overall value, as evidenced by the recent sale of Nortel’s 6,000 patents for $4.5 billion and Google’s acquisition of Motorola and their 17,000 patents for $12.5 billion. Knowing this, companies must place the same measure of attention on their patent portfolio as with other investment portfolios. Therefore, the old rules of investing – asset allocation, scale, diversification, buy and hold – must be applied to patents and patent portfolio management. For a patent portfolio to be a truly successful, effective, and winning portfolio, a company must also strategically manage it to return profits and direct market trends.
专利组合可以成为公司整体价值的重要组成部分,最近北电以45亿美元出售6000项专利以及谷歌以125亿美元收购摩托罗拉及其17,000项专利的收购案例就证明了这一点。因此企业必须像其他投资组合一样对其专利组合给与同样的关注。旧的投资规则-资产配置,规模,多样化,购买和持有 - 必须适用于专利和专利组合管理。要使专利组合真正起作用,成为有效且成功的投资组合,公司还必须对其进行战略性管理,以赢得利润和引领市场趋势。
This QuickCounsel provides a concise outline of the components of successful patent portfolio management. Managing a patent portfolio parallels managing an investment portfolio in many respects. Therefore, viewing patents as a portfolio and creating and maintaining the volume, scale, diversity, and balance of the portfolio are the keys to success.
The true value of patents derives from their aggregation in the patent portfolio—that is, the collective value of the entire portfolio as a whole and not the individual patents themselves. A significant patent portfolio spreads the risks among many patents and decreases the dependency on individual patents (in other words, decreasing reliance on individual claim scope and validity). Additionally, holding many patents in one technology allows a company to have a controlling interest in that market as well as direct and influence the markets that rely on that technology. This can be a very powerful tool to enable market power, technology development, and innovation while minimizing risk.
Many considerations go into determining the optimal size of a company’s patent portfolio and the optimal patent portfolio size will be different for each company. While a large patent portfolio is always preferred, there is a limit. A company should not patent every idea that comes along. Each company requires an organized strategy that not only considers the basic premise of risk allocation and reduction, but also looks closely at what innovations to file patents on. As the size of the patent portfolio increases, each individual patenting decision will become less important and will have less of an impact on the portfolio as a whole. Nonetheless, a continuous, organized strategy that looks at the innovation, gauging the scope, quality and the company’s own guidelines will continue to foster a quality patent portfolio.

R&D spending over patenting filings can serve as a basic metric for companies to determine patent portfolio size. First, consider the patenting intensity per R&D expenditure. Generally, for every $1.3 million in R&D expenditure, U.S. companies file one patent application. Next, consider R&D spending. Generally, the smaller a company is, the more it spends in R&D as a proportion of revenue. Therefore, if smaller companies are spending more on R&D, they should also patent more proportionally.
Based on the patenting intensity of U.S. resident per R&D expenditure, the suggested patent filing rate for U.S. companies with less than $100 million in revenue is 12 patent applications per year. For U.S. companies with revenue between $500 million and $1 billion, the patenting intensity should be approximately 65 patent applications per year.
At a certain point, IP risks will be minimized. Each individual patent and patenting decision will become less important as the size of a patent portfolio grows because of the power of aggregation and the spreading of risks throughout the portfolio. Primarily, the remaining risks are broader industry risks influenced by external factors including: the economy, demand, consumer confidence and unforeseeable shifts in technologies.
In addition to R&D, scale and diversity are important in determining a company’s optimal patent portfolio size and composition.
In a patent portfolio, scale is the effective total filing in a given subject matter, which includes applications and issued patents in all countries. It is important to have scale in a patent portfolio because it is what enables market and category leadership. Category leadership drives profitability. Therefore, scale can be a measure of category leadership. Having the right to exclude others on several related patents provides broad protection of the subject matter. This type of category leadership provides benefits beyond straightforward profitability.

First, a strong and properly scaled patent portfolio operates as a defensive weapon against litigation. A company with a portfolio of patents to choose from for the purpose of counterclaims is not a good or easy target. Second, a properly scaled patent portfolio can also operate as an offensive weapon. It discourages others from entering the field – essentially creating a barrier to entry. Third, a company with this type of category leadership from a scaled portfolio can shape industry decisions and influence industry message and standardization. Broad protection of a subject matter, a derivative of scale, increases bargaining power in licensing and monetization of the patent portfolio and will enable a company to wield significant market influence. In short, a well-scaled patent portfolio creates category leadership and drives profitability.
Diversification is a form of risk hedging. In a patent portfolio, it involves obtaining patents in different areas. Similar to financial assets, these diversified patents (sub-portfolios or categories) should react differently to the same event (emphasis added). In other words, if the value of the patent categories or sub-portfolios do not move up and down in perfect synchrony, then the portfolio as a whole is likely more risk-averse than a portfolio that loses or gain value based on a single event (such as a shift in consumer demand or taste). It will not guarantee against loss (e.g., making the wrong decision by choosing the wrong patent or field), but it is a way to minimize long-term risk.
Diversity is complementary to scale, but should not replace scale. While scale creates category leadership, diversity provides benefits of risk, asset, and business diversification. Too much diversification can reduce the benefits of scale, so it is imperative to be cautious. A company must have scale to succeed; diversity alone will not create a winning patent portfolio. However, a properly diversified and scaled portfolio can be a very powerful tool to drive corporate success.
Creating the ideal diversified patent portfolio categories is unique to each company. The chosen categories should align closely with the long-term corporate business strategy of the company. It is imperative that executive and senior management provide input to shape the diversification strategy.For example, products and technologies that may be important contributors to (future) revenue and profit should be considered – that is, be the subject of a category for patenting to hedge against future risks.The ideal number of patents and patent categories that a company should hold will vary by company depending on its size, product line and industry. One rule of thumb for modern stock portfolio theory claims that a holding of 20 stocks will achieve optimal diversity. This can be guidance that to optimize patent diversity no more than 20 patent categories should be considered.
To properly maintain the winning patent portfolio, it should be periodically and systematically reviewed and rebalanced.The patent portfolio should be modified based on the company’s current needs and the life span of a given technology or patent. Companies will not renew some patents while they pursue others.
To review and re-balance, a company should analyze its competitive position across its industries, segments or categories to identify areas of strength and market leadership and areas where it is less competitive. It is particularly important to identify where true industry leadership potential and functional scale exists. First, assess the portfolio to identify which patents, technologies and categories, and which combinations of all of these, will provide the most scale in terms of additional value or return on investment. Second, segment the portfolio by identifying sub-portfolios, sub-segments or sub-categories with sound fundamentals—in terms of claims scope and competitive use. Third, plan for targeted growth by identifying areas within the portfolio where the company can realistically achieve category leadership. Then define initiatives to develop and support growth to the sub-portfolios and rationalize or prune other areas. Fourth, balance the portfolio by assessing how scale and diversity benefit and optimize the portfolio.
Fundamentally, re-balancing a patent portfolio is determining which patents to discard, which patents to maintain or renew, and which patents to pursue. A company should discard a patent if, for example, it is a waste of resources to renew, particularly if it is near the end of the product lifecycle (in other words, the benefits of new patents exceed the benefits of the older patents). Maintain a patent by paying any renewal fees if it is still in the best interest of the portfolio, particularly if the patent covers a product in the early or middle stage of its lifecycle. Often, patents in the early stage of a product lifecycle require new and similar patents to cover changing technology. A company may also need to consider and update continuing applications and continuation-in-part applications (adding new matters and disclosures) to track market changes.Timing is the key to patent portfolio management and balancing. Oftentimes entering a field late results in a significant devaluation of the patent due to prior art and narrowing of the claims. On the other hand, early entry may be a potential gold mine. Again, know when to get out. Companies are at risk of inefficient deployments of resources with patents in crowded fields that are of limited value. Consider whether it is better to apply,often limited,resources to capturing new innovations.
Every company with a sound business strategy should have a patent portfolio and strategy as part of its plan. Developing a portfolio-based patent strategy that is properly scaled and diverse will help ensure the company attains category leadership. The number of patents a company should hold in its portfolio depends on the company’s size, revenue and R&D expenditures. Companies should scale their patents to optimize category leadership and avoid over-diversification at the expense of scale, keeping the number of patent categories in check to ensure optimal results. Once the portfolio is in place, maintain the successful portfolio by periodically reviewing and re-balancing it.