The Fault in Our Stars个人读书记录 5
这里不说Hazel最喜爱的作者Peter Van Houten长相和行为与预期不符(胖胖的大面团身上插了四根棍,胡子拉碴一周没有修整,穿个睡衣听嘻哈,大早上开始喝酒,开门就给两位一个闭门羹等等等等),问的问题也让两个青春期小书迷招架不住。 must tell them to leave at once, that there has been a terrible mistake, that the blessed Van Houten was making a rhetorical offer to meet, not an actual one, that such offers must be read symbolically.
Peter Van Houten对助理说的话,我的邀请只是书面客套的修辞,而不是真正意义上的拜访。
“Which of you is Augustus Waters?” he asked. Augustus raised his hand tentatively. Van Houten nodded and said, “Did you close the deal with that chick yet?”(你还没到手?)
Whereupon I encountered for the first and only time a truly speechless Augustus Waters. “I,” he started, “um, I, Hazel, um. Well.”
“This boy appears to have some kind of developmental delay,” Peter Van Houten said to Lidewij.
Then I noticed two large black garbage bags, full and twist-tied, behind the couch.
“Trash?” I mumbled to Augustus soft enough that I thought no one else would hear.
“Fan mail,” Van Houten answered as he sat down in the lounge chair. “Eighteen years’ worth of it. Can’t open it. Terrifying. Yours are the first missives to which I have replied, and look where that got me. I frankly find the reality of readers wholly unappetizing.”
Peter Van Houten家里的客厅空荡荡的像个艺术馆,除了没有艺术品。本来以为是垃圾的袋子里面装满了从不拆开的读着来信(现实中的读者只会让他索然无味)。但他却从没将这18年中的来信处理掉,一直留着。
...He was rather ruining the whole business of authorial genius for me. But he had the answers.
Peter Van Houten喝威士忌加“意念水”(也就是不加水),除了喝酒时坐直身体,谈话吊儿郎当的样子让Hazel彻底颠覆了三观。
I was horrified, too, but there was something pleasant about a guy so despicable that he wouldn’t treat us deferentially. “We do have some questions, actually,” I said. “I talked about them in my email. I don’t know if you remember.”
“I do not.”
Peter Van Houten并没有将两人当成癌症患者,而是该怎么样怎么样。一些不大礼貌的话虽然有些冒犯却让Hazel有些高兴。Van Houten是一朵不做作的花朵,哈哈哈。
1.“Are you familiar with Zeno’s tortoise paradox?” he asked me.
2.“You wrongly assume that I need to hear your question in order to answer it. You are familiar with the philosopher Zeno?” I shook my head vaguely.
3.“Alas. Zeno was a pre-Socratic philosopher who is said to have discovered forty paradoxes within the worldview put forth by Parmenides—surely you know Parmenides,” he said, and I nodded that I knew Parmenides, although I did not.
4.“Thank God,” he said. “Zeno professionally specialized in revealing the inaccuracies(不精准) and oversimplifications(过度简化) of Parmenides, which wasn’t difficult, since Parmenides was spectacularly wrong everywhere and always. Parmenides is valuable in precisely the way that it is valuable to have an acquaintance who reliably picks the wrong horse each and every time you take him to the racetrack. But Zeno’s most important—wait, give me a sense of your familiarity with Swedish hip-hop.”
看到Hazel“知道”巴门尼德,Peter Van Houten松了口气,可惜接下来的谈话依旧让Hazel蒙圈。虽然巴门尼德事事错误离谱,赛马却一挑一个准(算是逸事)。接下来却直接转到了“了解瑞典嘻哈吗?”
Rudolf Otto said that if you had not encountered the numinous, if you have not experienced a nonrational encounter with the mysterium tremendum(与今人战栗的神秘相遭遇), then his work was not for you. And I say to you, young friends, that if you cannot hear Afasi och Filthy’s bravadic response (虚张声势的顶撞,bravadic 法语词汇虚张声势的,充好汉的)to fear, then my work is not for you.
其实多少能理解一点Peter Van Houten的阐述,有时候会觉得作品的表达是一种很抽象虚无缥缈的没有任何意义的存在,但心境会有种无法描摹的共通,一瞬间失却的填补,如同精神上的一种朝圣。当然这里有点跑题,个人感受。 one really solved it until Cantor (康托,德国数学家,集合论创始人)showed us that some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
Van Houten发现Hazel只是追问故事结局,就更进一步解释了和乌龟赛跑的理论(刨除事实你的确跑得过它,理论上你一直比它快,但一直追不上,只是无尽缩短两者之间的距离)。结论:有些无穷比别的无穷更大,这就是答案。这里面涉及数学函数问题了,豹豹也不是很懂,无穷大和无穷小是独一无二的,但世界有很多的无穷,它们不是具体的数,而是一种数列/函数变化规律。是一种动态变化趋势(想起了一位智者向国王借麦子,在棋盘上以指数为请求借麦粒,最后结果是整个国ku都不够)。
以上是查的百科给的大概解释,其实就是活在当下,0-16有无限个无穷,0-20也有无限个无穷,每一秒的跳动才是生命赐予的礼物。如同上一章Gus提到书中(作者Van Houten)主人公Anna发病摔倒看到生命力旺盛的小草时充满召唤向上的感受。不是为了坚强而坚强,而是为了一种希望好好过好每一天。she can’t get up and her face is like an inch from the football-field grass and she’s just stuck there looking at this grass up close, noticing the way the light hits it and . . . I don’t remember the line but it’s something like Anna having the Whitmanesque revelation that the definition of humanness is the opportunity to marvel at the majesty of creation or whatever. You know that part?
“Great. Okay, so the Dutch Tulip Man. Is he a con man? Do he and Anna’s mom get married?”
Van Houten was still staring at the ceiling beams. He took a drink. The glass was almost empty again. “Lidewij(作家的助理), I can’t do it. I can’t. I can’t.” He leveled his gaze to me. “Nothing happens to the Dutch Tulip Man. He isn’t a con man or not a con man; he’s God. He’s an obvious and unambiguous metaphorical representation of God, and asking what becomes of him is the intellectual equivalent of asking what becomes of the disembodied eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg in Gatsby. Do he and Anna’s mom get married? We are speaking of a novel, dear child, not some historical enterprise.”
我太喜欢这一段了,这本书仅仅这一章就值得去读了。文中Anna的准备做手术之后结尾戛然而止,妈妈是否和卖郁金香老爹结婚也只字未提。Hazel是将自己带入了小说,想知道如果自己像手雷爆炸了父母会怎样,Van Houten则被追问小说各个人物结尾到抓狂和无奈。因为卖郁金香的老爹只是一个救赎象征,无论如何生活总要继续下去,人要给自己一种希望和宽慰。后面提到盖茨比中的大广告牌实在是太感动了,突然想重新捡起重读。