English学英语English study

英语语法书记《A Guide of English Gramma

2017-03-24  本文已影响37人  玉莲子


第一种:破折号(~)He isversatile~He can speak seven different languages and play piano very well.

第二种:冒号(:)He has finally made his goal known to us:he wants to be a scientist.

第三种分号(;)He  is nice;quite often he is seen helping others.

第四种:并列连词He enjoys taking pictures,and he has decided to pursure the art as his life career.

第五种:副词连词He deserved our respect because he is honest.

第六种关系词He is aman who never tells lies.





He is trash~he is good for nothing.


It is his hobby~taking pictures.

2.冒号(:)用来连接句子以强调前面句中的名词Hehas made his goal known:he wants to be a scientist.


He enjoys dancing;swiming;jogging.


1.单一连词共3个:and ,or,but.此类连词可连接对等的单词、短语或句子。

He and i enjoy singing.

Is she sad or happy?

He doesn't like her but hates her

I came tosee him and to tell him the truth.

Does he work in shanghai or in beijing.

He woks hard ,andhis father is proud of him.

Hedoesn't stuty,buthis teacher likes him.

Did he fail because he was lazy or because he was  careless?

I like john,who is easy to get along with but whose brother is too  arrogant to associate with.(对等的定语从句,分别由who和whose引导的)





Not only…but also…(不但……而且……)



Both Peter and Mary work hard.

He is not kind but cruel.

He will either leave or stay.


He went to the United States not only to learn English but (also) to know more about American cultrue.

He succeeded both because of his intelligence and because of his hard work.


He succeeded both because he was intelligent and because he worked hard.

Not only can she sing,but she can (also)dance.

3.as well as与rather than作并列连词可连接对等单词、短语、句子。

As well as…(以及……)

Rather than…(而非……)


We as well as john like it.

He is happy rather than sad.

He is interesting un music as well as in painting

He failed because he was lazy rather than because he was not intelligent.

He as well as I is interested in music.=he no less than I is interested in music.=he together with me is interested in music.=he along with me is interested in music.

上句中,由于as well as与no less than为并列连词故之后用主格形态I与He对等,而along with 和together with之后接宾格me作介词with的宾语。

He rather than I is interested in music.=He instead of me is interested in music.=He,not,I,is interested in music.rather than是并列连词故后接主格I与He对等,not也可视为并列连词,只是用时not前恒加逗号,in stead of为介词故后接宾格me。

Not only是否定词,故置于弟一个分句句首该句要用倒装结构,第二个分句不用。倒装原则依动词不同,可分如下三种:

①be动词与主语倒装:Not only is he clever,but he is polite.


Not only can she sing,but she can dance.


Not only does she sing well,but she also dances beautifully.

注:not only…but(also)之also通常可省略,若不省略则连接单词或短语时,“but also”不可分开,而连接句子时,一定要分开,要将also置于句中。

He isinterested not only in music but(also)in art.

Not only can she sing,but she can (also)dance.=Not only can she sing,but she can dance   as well.

Not only…but also…=not just…but also…=not merely…but also….



1.常见的有because,if,when,though,unless,once,as soon as等。副词连词冠于任何从句前面,该句就成为状语从句,状语从句只能与主句共存,不可单独存在,可视为用来修饰主句的副词。

Because he is nice,i like him.=I like him because he is nice.

Though he did poorly on the test,his father didn't scold him.=His father didn't scold him though he did poorly on the test.

As soon as he heard the news,he cried.=He cried as soon as he heard the news.



He is nice;however,I don't like him.=He is nice,but I don't like him.=He is nice.However,I don't like him.

He is nice;nevertheless,I don't like him=He is nice.nevertheless,i don't like him.=He is nice,but i don't like him.


He is nice;I,however,don't like him.=He is nice.I,however,don't like him.=He is nice;however,i don't like him.

B)therefore,thus(因此)~有连词so的意思味she is kind;terefore,we all like her.=She is kind,so we all like her.=She is kind.Therefore,we all like her.在therefore之后要加逗号,therefore可作插入语,两旁要用逗号隔开。thus不用。she is kind;thus we all like her=She is kind.Thus we all like her.=She is kind,so we all like her.

C)moreover,furthermore,in addition(此外)~有and 的意味She dances well;moreover,she is good at singing.=She dances well.Moreover,she is good at singing.=She dances well,and she is good at singing.

She dances well;furthermore,she is good at singing.=She dances well.Furthermore,she is good at singing.=She dances well,and she is good at singing.

She dances well;in addition,she is good at singing.=She dances well.In addition,she is good at singing.=She dances,and she is good at singing.

D)vesides(此外)与in addition用法同,只是besides多用于有否定或消极意味的句子。

I don't hink  I will go to the movies with you,John.I'mtired;besides,I have no money.



While i was writing the letter,she was washing those dishes.


He is nice,while his brother is bad.

4.其它重要副词连词:as,since.where.in that,so that,excect that等:


As I was young,I was quite happy.


Though he is rich.he isn't happy→Rich ashe is,he isn't happy.=As rich as he is,he isn't happy.


As he has apologized to me,I am going to forgive him=Because he has apologized to me,I 'm going to forgive him.

4.2.where=in the place where=in the place in which

Where i live,people are very kind.=In the place where i live,people are very kind.


Once you heard any news,let me know=As soon as you heard any news,let me know.


You must work hard,or I'llfire you.=You must work hard;otherwise I'll fire you.



Shecan'tsing,nor can she dance.

4.5.so that(这样的话;以便)引导的从句中应有助动词may can will等。

I got up early so that i could get to school on time.=I got up early in order that I could get to school on time.


He is so nice that we all like him.

4.7.in that(因为)相当于because,但in that 引导的从句置于主句之后。

He is talented in that he speaks five different languages.

4.8.except that(只可惜,只不过是)

She is nice except that she is a little shy.


Since you'finished your work,you may leave anytime.(由于已完工,你随时可以走了。)

He has been studying hard since he went to college.






He has a car which was made in germany.

The house i which we live is very large.


He is a manwith whom i enjoy working.=He is a man whom i enjoy working with.=He is a man i enjoy working with.

The house in which we live is very large.=The house(which) we live in is very large.

4.:有些固定的动词短语,视作一个完整的动词,不宜将介词置于关系代词前,该保持动词的完整性。如:get rid of

Call on

Take over

Pay attention to


5.which可代表之前的整个主句,which若用以代表之前的整个句子,which却前一定要有逗号。John,who was lazy,scored wuite high marks on the exam,which somewhat surprised me.


He smokes three packs  of cigaretes a day,whichdefinitely does harm to his health.

本例中whixh代替smoke three packs of cigaretes a day这件事。


Here come my father,who is an english teacher.



This is the boy( whom)i saw yesterday.

I enjoy reading the book (which)ibought yesterday.




Gambling is thelast thing that i would do.(赌博是我最不愿作的事)

He is the first man that came up with such an idea(他是第一个想出这主意的人)


The most beautoful scene that i've ever seen is GuiLin.

③the very+n.之后,这里的very为形容词,是一种强调用法,不译出来,一定要加定冠词。

He is the very man that i saw yesterday.(他正是那个我昨天看到的人)


All( that )he said is true.

⑤the only+n.之后

He is th only friend that i have.


He works hard,which is a fact that is known to us.


He is not the man that he once was.


Look at the boy and the dog that are coming this way.


例:The girl who danced here yesterday is my sister→The gir dancing here yesterday is my sister.

Who is the boy that is standing over there?→Who is th boy that (being)standing over there.

I  like the car which is parked in front of the post office.→I like the car (being) parked in front of the post office.


Imet John,who is  a good friend of mine.→I met John,a good friend of mine.=I met a good friend of mine,John.




I think

I feel

I find

I consider




He is the man who i think never break his word.

He is the man whom i believe i met yesterday.

He is a man whom i think to be nice.

认知动词后有be动词时,用主格关系代词who;而认知动词后有to be时,用宾格关系代词whom。


He has no house in which he can live.→He has no house in which to live.

Lend me your pen in which i can write my address→Lend me your pen in which to write my address.


1.关系代词所有格的功能关系代词所有格乃人称代词所有格(his ,your,their,her,our,my,its…)变化而成,和关系代词一样,引导定语从句修饰前面的名词。

She has an uncle,whose name is Peter.

I like that house,whose location looks good to me.



3.whose可代人,也可代物。代物时“whose+n.”=“天the +n.+of which”=“哦of which+ the+n.”

I like to study in this school,whose facuty and facilities are top- notch.=I like to study in this school,of which the faculty and facilities are top-notch.=I like to study in this school,the faculty and facilities of which  are top-notch.


When=(inwhich,on which,at which);

Where=(in which,onwhich,at which);

Why=for which;

How=in which


Idon't know the reason why she cried.=I don't know the reason for which she cried.

How和the way不能同时出现。

That's the way he handle the problem.=that's how he handle the problem.


That's the place where he was born.=that is where he was born.

That is the reason why he left.=that is why he left.

That 's how he did it=that is the way he did it.


Where可作副词连词,等于 in the place where

Put it where you found it.=Put it in the place ehere you found it.

Where there is smoke,there is fire.



代人:whomever=anybody whom,whoever=anybody who(凡……的人)

代人或物:whichever=any one which/who(三者以上的同一类的任何一个)whichever=either which/who(二者中的任何一个)

代物:what=the thing which(所……的东西)

Whatever=anything which(……的任何东西)

由上得知复合关系代词是以两个词类复合而成,一方面含有先行词如(the thing, anybody,anything),一方面还有关系代词(which,whom,who)


首先要知道whoever=anybody who,anybody是代词,在主句中作主语或宾语,who为关系代词引导定语从句并作从句的主语。第一步用anybody作主语造个句子anybody should be punished.


Who makes such a mistake.然后将此句置于anybody之后,即成:Anybody who makes such a mistake should be punished.=Whoever makes such a mistake should be punished.

用anybody作宾语造个句子I hate anybody.

用who作主语造个定语从句who tells lies.将其置于anybody之后I hate anybody who tells lies=I hate whoever tells lies.(tells有宾语lies所以不能用宾格whomever,要用whoever)

Give it to anybody whom you like.=Give it to whomever you like.

There are many books.you may take whichever you like.

The things which bothers me is that i have no time=what bothers me is that i have no time.

Whatever he said is true.=Anything which he said is true.

I am interested in whatever he is doing=I am interested in anything that he is doing.

3.whoever及whatever也可作副词连词此时,whoever=no matter who(无论谁)

Whatever=no matter what(不论什么)

Whatever he says,I don't believe him.=No matter he says,I don't believe him.

Whoever does it,he should finish it by ten.




However=no matter how,how为副词,修饰形容词或副词,先造个有形容词或副词的句子置于no matter how之后再将句中的形容词或副词移至how之后形成从句了,最后接主句即可。

例如:he is nice→no matter how he is nice→no matter how nice he is,i  don't like him→however nice he is,i don't like him.

4.whether表“不论是否”时,只需whether即可,不可用no matter whether,whether本身就可作副词连词,引导状语从句,以逗号与主句相隔。

Whether he is rich(or not),aJane will marry him.






I have more money than is needed.

More guests than invited came.

4.As作准关系代词:as之前若有名词时,as=as+the+前面名词+关系代词(who ,whom,which)如此可以as作关系代词,在其所引导的从句中作主语、宾语或表语,只是as作准关系代词时,只用于下列短语中:


The same+n.+as…(和……相同的……)


①I don't like a man as tells lies.=I don't like a man as the man who tells lies.

②I respected such an honest man asyou described.=I respected such an honest man as the man whom you described.

③In our company there is not such a man as David(is)=In our company there is not such a man as the man that David is(that作be的表语,表人的身份)such a lazy student as Jomhn(is)will get nowhere.=Such a lazy student as the student that John( is )will get nowhere.

④The same  book as is laid on the desk.=The same book as the book which is laid on the desk.

⑤I have the same dictionary as you bought yesterday.=I have the same dictionary as the dictionary (which) you bought yesterday.

⑥I have the same dictionary as this one(is)=I have the same dictionary as the dictionary whatthis one (is).关系代词that作be动词的表语。

⑦He is as diligent a man as ever lived=He is as diligent man as the man who ever lived.

注:such+n.后面只能接as,不能接like;thesame as(和……相同的……)指两个人或物th same that……指同一人或物。

I have the same book as he is reading(两本书).

I borrowed the same book that he borrowed last week.(同一本书)

He is nice,which is known to us.=he is nice,as is known to us.


He is nice,which was mentioned before=He is nice,as mentioned before.

再者He was drunk,as usual.=He was drunk,as is usual with him.He was drunk,which is usual with him.

His condition are as follows.

He listed the names as follows.无论前面名词是单复数,还是什么时态,都用follows



There is no one who is not interested in it=There is no one but is interested in it.

There is nothing which he is not fond of.=There is nothing but he is fond of.

There is no book which he doesn't like to read.=There is no book but he likes to read.

There is nothing that he can't do.=There is nothing but he do.

There was no one whom he didn't hate.=There wss no one whom but he hated.

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