2024-02-14 本文已影响0人
- 学句子,背单词,继续加油,努力学习。
- 单词很重要,句子更重要。
- 通过语意块的分割练习,熟练掌握句子意思和读法;
- 通过拼音法,记单词,才能不漏字母;
- It was pretty exhausting, actually.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- It was pretty exhausting,
- actually.
- ex-haus-ting
- ac-tua-lly
- Maybe tomorrow will be better.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Maybe tomorrow
- will be better.
- Well, don't hold your breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Well, don't
- hold your breath.
- hold your breath
- I will be honest: I'm thinking of quitting my job.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I will be honest:
- I'm thinking
- of quitting my job.
- quit my job
- be honest
- ho-nest
- But I had the impression that you wanted to work your way up to management?
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- But I had the impression
- that you wanted
- to work your way
- up to management?
- have the impression
- im-pre-ssion
- work your way
- up to management
- ma-na-ge-ment
- Well, initially I did. But I don't think I'll be able to do that without an advanced business degree.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Well, initially
- I did.
- But I don't think
- I'll be able
- to do that
- without an advanced business degree.
- an advanced business degree
- ad-van-ced
- busi-ness
- So, I am considering whether i should study abroad for my MBA
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- So, I am considering
- whether i should study abroad
- for my MBA
- con-si-de-ring
- study abroad
- a-broad
- study abroad for my MBA
- Yeah, I've been researching business management programs in the United States.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Yeah, I've been researching
- business management programs
- in the United States.
- re-sear-ch
- business management programs
- I found a great program at Cornell University in New York.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I found a great program
- at Cornell University
- in New York.
- at Cornell University
- Cor-nell
- uni-ver-sity
- in New York
- New York? That would be an incredible oppotunity.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- New York?
- That would be
- an incredible oppotunity.
- an incredible oppotunity
- in-cre-di-ble
- oppo-tu-nity
- Well, as you know, I've been able to do a lot with my business degree.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Well, as you know,
- I've been able
- to do a lot
- with my business degree.
- You've inspired me.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- You've
- inspired me.
- in-spire-d
- have inspired me
- Have you ever thought about living abroad?
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Have you ever thought
- about living abroad?
- When I was younger, I would order brochures from colleges in the United States all the time.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- When I was younger,
- I would order brochures
- from colleges
- in the United States
- all the time.
- order brochures from colleges
- bro-chure
- co-lle-ge
- But, then I enventually decided to stay here for school instead.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- But, then
- I enventually decided
- to stay here
- for school instead.
- Since you already have an MBA, would you mind taking a look at my application before I submit it?
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Since
- you already have an MBA,
- would you mind
- taking a look
- at my application
- before I submit it?
- I'd be happy to.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I'd
- be happy to.
- Something exhausting makes you feel very tired. I've had an exhausting day at work.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Something exhausting
- makes you
- feel very tired.
- I've had an exhausting day
- at work.
- somthing exhausting
- an exhausting day
- make you feel very tired
- We've had three exhausting 15-hour work days.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- We've had
- three exhausting 15-hour work days.
- three 15-hour work days
- three exhausting 15-hour work days
- When you say "Don't hold your breath", you are telling someone that something is not going to happen.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- When you say
- "Don't hold your breath",
- you are telling someone
- that something is not going
- to happen.
- If you are waiting for her to come here, don't hold your breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- If you are waiting
- for her
- to come here,
- don't hold your breath.