Testing Hardy‐Weinberg Equilibri

2021-01-19  本文已影响0人  MeUpUp

Testing Hardy‐Weinberg Equilibrium

reference:Allele Frequencies and Hardy‐Weinberg Equilibrium,Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics 2013,Module 8,Topic 2,66

Why should we test HWE locus?

Two popular way to test HWE

  1. Chi‐Square test
  2. Exact test

Chi-square test

Testing procedures:

Compares observed genotype counts with the values expected under Hardy‐Weinberg for a locus with two alleles, in which p=p(A)=(n_{Aa}+2n_{AA})/2n

<img src="C:\Users\pro\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\image-20210118210834145.png" alt="image-20210118210834145" style="zoom:50%;" />

the expected is calculated from:

'A'(p) 'a'(q) TOTAL
'A'(p) AA(p^{2}) Aa(pq)
'a'(q) Aa(pq) aa(q^{2})

test statistic:

X^{2}=\sum_{genotypes}\frac{(observed count-expected count)^2}{expected count}=n(\frac{4n_{AA}n_{aa}-n^{2}_{Aa}}{2n_{AA}+n_{Aa}(2n_{aa}+n_{Aa})})^{2}\sim \chi^{2}_{1}

df=(2-1)\times (2-1)=1

When to use?

Exact test

The Hardy‐Weinberg exact test is based on calculating probabilities P(genotype counts | allele counts) under HWE.


To get the p‐value, sum the probabilities of all configurations with probability equal to or less that the observed configuration.

Compare two tests

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