
泽平 的ScalersTalk第七轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day

2022-09-12  本文已影响0人  郑泽平


Lesson 40-1     Waves

Waves are thechildren of the struggle between ocean and atmosphere, the ongoing signaturesof infinity. Rays from the sun excite and energize the atmosphere of the earth,awakening it to flow, to movement, to rhythm, to life. The wind then speaks themessage of the sun to the sea and the sea transmits it on through waves -- anancient, exquisite, powerful message.

These ocean wavesare among the earth's most complicated natural phenomena. The basic featuresinclude a crest (the highest point of the wave), a trough (the lowest point), aheight (the vertical distance from the trough to the crest), a wave length (thehorizontal distance between two wave crests), and a period (which is the timeit takes a wave crest to travel one wave length).

Although an oceanwave gives the impression of a wall of water moving in your direction, inactuality waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was.


weɪvz ɑː ðə ˈʧɪldrən ɒv ðə ˈstrʌgl bɪˈtwiːn ˈəʊʃənænd ˈætməsfɪə, ði ˈɒŋˌgəʊɪŋ ˈsɪgnɪʧəz ɒv ɪnˈfɪnɪti. reɪz frɒm ðə sʌn ɪkˈsaɪtænd ˈɛnəʤaɪz ði ˈætməsfɪər ɒv ði ɜːθ, əˈweɪknɪŋ ɪt tuː fləʊ, tuː ˈmuːvmənt, tuːˈrɪðəm, tuː laɪf. ðə wɪnd ðɛn spiːks ðə ˈmɛsɪʤ ɒv ðə sʌn tuː ðə siː ænd ðə siːtrænzˈmɪts ɪt ɒn θruː weɪvz -- ən ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt, ˈɛkskwɪzɪt, ˈpaʊəfʊl ˈmɛsɪʤ.

ðiːz ˈəʊʃən weɪvz ɑːr əˈmʌŋ ði ɜːθs məʊst ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd ˈnæʧrəlfɪˈnɒmɪnə. ðə ˈbeɪsɪk ˈfiːʧəz ɪnˈkluːd ə krɛst (ðə ˈhaɪɪst pɔɪnt ɒv ðə weɪv), ətrɒf (ðə ˈləʊɪst pɔɪnt), ə haɪt (ðə ˈvɜːtɪkəl ˈdɪstəns frɒm ðə trɒf tuː ðə krɛst),ə weɪv lɛŋθ (ðə ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl ˈdɪstəns bɪˈtwiːn tuː weɪv krɛsts), ænd ə ˈpɪərɪəd(wɪʧ ɪz ðə taɪm ɪt teɪks ə weɪv krɛst tuː ˈtrævl wʌn weɪv lɛŋθ).

ɔːlˈðəʊ ən ˈəʊʃənweɪv gɪvz ði ɪmˈprɛʃən ɒv ə wɔːl ɒv ˈwɔːtə ˈmuːvɪŋ ɪn jɔː dɪˈrɛkʃən, ɪn ˌækʧʊˈælɪtiweɪvz muːv θruː ðə ˈwɔːtə ˈliːvɪŋ ðə ˈwɔːtər əˈbaʊt weər ɪt wɒz.

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