Little big minds 有趣的哲学问题 (1)

2020-01-29  本文已影响0人  ShirleyYi


Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

But today is a gift.

That is why it's called the present (a gift).

—— Kungfu Panda

值得记住的经典台词,今天是上苍赠与的礼物。mystery 神秘的事情

Different philosophers can look at the same question and come up with many different answers.

come up with  想出,提出 (计划、想法等) 

比如,对待同一个问题,不同的人会有不同的解决办法,可以说 We can look at the same problem and come up with many different solutions.

They asked questions about the meaning of life and how the world was made.

meaning  n. 意义          the meaning of life 生活的意义

文章概括 Summary:

There is philosophy in everything of our life. And a philosopher's job is to find out answers to questions about life and the world.

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