

2017-03-13  本文已影响0人  大鹏元帅


Professor Robert Kelly is an expert on South Korea and appeared on the BBC on Friday to discuss the impeachment of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.


At first, a little girl dances right into the room, and you can see poor Professor Kelly's life flash before his eyes as he tries, ever so gently, to will his child into another universe.


It does not work. Instead, he summons another, like a horseman in a baby bouncer.


After a few amusing moments, a woman comes in and desperately herds them away. Thus concludes the most entertaining interview ever to be broadcast on the subject of South Korean impeachment.


The video has been viewed hundreds of million times - and delighted hundreds of thousands of people on social media.


But it didn't go unnoticed that many people - including some media outlets, had assumed that Prof Kelly's wife, Jung-a Kim, was the nanny.

但也不得不注意到有很多人——包括一些新闻媒体,猜测凯利教授的妻子Jung-a Kim(金珠娥)是个保姆。

It's sparked a wider discussion about assumptions about race, gender, and mixed-race couples.



Some have argued that the look of panic on Ms Kim's face, and the way she speedily ushered out the children, suggested that she was the nanny - and concerned for her job.


But others say she behaved as only a mother would - and that she was obviously anxious that her husband's interview not be disrupted further.


Either way, it's fair to say Korean speakers would have known she was the mother - because during the video, the daughter appears to say: "Why? What's wrong?" and "Mummy, why?"


# (1)她是妻子,不是保姆或女佣(2)她有名字,Jung-a Kim(3)孩子们很可爱(4)生活中难免遇到这种事(5)lol 上面这段话大鹏很欣赏:“你是否也对这个可爱的视频做出了错误的推测呢?......我们可以一笑了之啦,我们可以从偏见中汲取经验,学得更聪明些。”
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