Guru Weekly程序员iOS Developer

推酷《Guru Weekly》第十七期

2016-03-09  本文已影响48人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. Microsoft is bringing its crown jewel SQL Server to Linux

  2. Subgraph OS — Secure Linux Operating System for Non-Technical Users

  3. StopLight Launches Visual API Design Tools

  4. Oracle's OpenJDK cleanup of "Unsafe" implementation.

  5. Docker Cloud Aims to Enable Containerized Multicloud Solutions


  1. Build a Pure CSS Animated Slide-In Dropdown Nav Menu

  2. A Great JavaScript Side Project is your Most Important Asset

  3. Introducing the CLEAN Stack – JavaScript everywhere

  4. Introducing CSS Scroll Snap Points

  5. What’s New in jQuery 3

  6. Developer's Guide to Improving Project Structure in Meteor Applications

  7. Gulp for Web Designers – All You Want to Know

  8. What You Need To Know About CSS Variables

  9. In Defense of JavaScript Classes

  10. The Sad State of the Backbone Ecosystem


  1. Java, Ruby, and Go, Oh My!

  2. C pointers are not hardware pointers

  3. Go channels are bad and you should feel bad

  4. Functional Programming for JavaScript People

  5. Interview with Robert Virding, Creator of Lisp Flavored Erlang

  6. Returning multiple values from functions in C++

  7. No Compiler – On LLVM, and writing software without a compiler

  8. ActiveRecord is reinventing Sequel


  1. Performance & Usage at Instagram

  2. Microservices with Python, RabbitMQ and Nameko

  3. Docker Networking Design Philosophy

  4. Notes: Spark metrics

  5. Running Flask and Celery with Kubernetes


  1. The Binlog Server

  2. Virtual columns in MySQL and MariaDB

  3. Peter Zaitsev: How MaxScale monitors servers

  4. The Five Stages of NoSQL

  5. Log Orientated Data in PostgreSQL

  6. JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7

  7. STOP SLAVE Improvements for Multi-Threaded Slaves


  1. Choosing a Button style with purpose and intent

  2. Ionic 2 and Auth0

  3. SQLite Tutorial: Getting Started

  4. Alamofire Tutorial: Getting Started

  5. AndroidDevMetrics - dagger2metrics evolved into metrics for Android development

  6. Issue #195


  1. Confidence Intervals for Random Forests

  2. Image Analogies using Neural Networks

  3. Detecting Code Indentation

  4. Quick Intro to NMF (the Method and the R Package)


  1. Building : Static-Dynamic Application Architecture

  2. 14 Open Source DevOps Tools We Use in Production

  3. The ELK Stack as an Apache Log Analyzer


  1. Kanye Ipsum: Add some confidence to your placeholder text

  2. Human readable Autolayout in code

  3. Storehouse: Open-source Swift animation engine

  4. Google Cayley, open-source graph database

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