1. face the music 接受批评/惩罚
2. in deep trouble
※ in hot water,in deep shit
3. to the tune of 强调数字之大
e.g. The company is in debt to the tune of £1.2 billion.
4. get to the bottom of sth 查个水落石出(5月晨读有)
5. on top of trends
e.g. The Gap is on top of trends. They always have the latest styles in their stores.
※ ahead of the fashion curve
6. eating one's lunch 抢饭碗
Ever since Walmart came into town, our local stores have been doing poorly. Walmart is eating their lunch.
7. cash in on ※ monetize 靠...赚钱/牟利
e.g. The fans are helping this new breed of Chinese internet star to monetize/cash in on their popularity
发国难财 cash in on the national crisis
8. run in place 原地跑
e.g. We’ve been running in place for years.
9. clean house 裁员,清除不必要的人(或事物)
e.g. After the corruption was revealed, the police chief decided it was time to clean house.
10. You took the words right out of my mouth! 我也正想这么说!
※Tell me about it! 你算说对了!
11. pros and cons 优缺点 ※Janus
12. go back and forth on an issue 思来想去,犹豫不决,纠结
13. be of two minds about... 举棋不定,犹豫不决
e.g. I'm of two minds about where to go.
14. call
tough call 艰难的决定
good call on sth 好主意
15. wishy-washy 不坚定的
e.g. If there's anything I can't stand it's an indecisive, wishy-washy customer.
16. bite the bullet 硬着头皮对付不愉快的(或艰难的)
e.g. We’ll just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.
17. test the waters 试水,摸底 (注意有s)
e.g. She's testing the waters for a presidential bid.
※brick(s)-and-mortar (砖和砂石浆)实体的 a brick-and-mortar store
18. the best of both worlds 两全其美,二者兼得
e.g. She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds.
(※5月晨读有,surf and turf,既可以吃海鲜又可以吃肉,两全!)
19. put a stake in the ground 迈出重要的第一步
20. live to regret a decision 后悔
21. my gut tells me 我的直觉告诉我
22. a far cry from 相去甚远
e.g. The movie is a far cry from the book.
23. go all out to do sth / for sth / on doing sth 尽全力
e.g. The team went all out for a win.
※ make an all-out effort 尽全力
24. mince words 拐弯抹角,玩转地说,兜圈子
“I love those people, but I love my own house,” she told a reporter after the election, not mincing any words.
※ hedge 拐弯抹角
e.g. Just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’—and stop hedging.
※ call a spade a spade 有啥说啥;直言不讳
e.g. Why don't you just call a spade a spade and say that he's a liar?
25. pretty penny 一大笔钱
e.g. Their new house must have cost a pretty penny.
※ handsome→They will make a handsome profit on the property.
26. deliver 履行,兑现,实现
e.g. We don't promise what we can't deliver.
※ People have a tendency to overpromise and underdeliver. 说得多做的少。
27. pull out all the stops 使出浑身解数,看家的本领都拿出来
e.g. The company pulled out all the stops to advertise their new product.
※ 前面go all out ...
※ (5月晨读)knock oneself out...
28. pull the wool over one's eyes 蒙蔽双眼
e.g. Are you telling me the truth or are you trying to pull the woo over my eyes?
※ hoodwink 哄骗
e.g. Many people are hoodwinked by the so-called beauty industry.
29. Where to begin?不知从何说起(尤其是有很多苦水要倒、对很多事情不满的时候)
30. get right on sth 马上就办
e.g. I'm gonna get right on that.
31. mess around/about(英) 混日子,浪费时间
※horse around (马男里的)
※ lark/much/goof/ faff/fiddle around
32. be swamped 忙
1. ˌmarket ˈshare 主重音在后
2. wishy-washy 主重音在前
3. president 读z
4. product line 重音在前
5. clean house 重音在后