
Watching movies can detach yourself from commonplaces and trifles within two hours, during which you might be brought to a wonderful setting different from your own. Nevertheless, whether you become thrilled, or moved, or pleased by a movie remains a moot point, for you often stand a less chance of encountering a good movie than a bad one. To put it another way— bad-made movies occupy a lion’s share of movie market while good movies are far and few between. // In the past two months, being a man without mornings, I gorged myself on movies and animations for more than three hours every night to cut myself loose from loneliness and emptiness. Sometimes I spiraled out of control and watched videos through the whole night, that is to say from the middle night to the next daybreak. Sometimes one half part of me thought that I must stop the indulgence in videos and should lead a healthy life, but the other half of me defended that there was no better way than watching movies to while away long lonely dark hours. The latter always beat the former if all other things were equal. As day went on, my will crumpled to the ground and lost its power. // A few days ago, I grew tired of videos including movies and animations, and slept early and got up early. Then you know what I have found ? when I was standing in front of a mirror in an early morning. It exhilarated me so much to find that my complexion was more handsome than before——I was a thousand times blooming and charming.