
2019-10-15  本文已影响0人  zzzyxxx

参考:An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica

1 An introduction to Mathematica

The syntax of inputs


2 The Mathematica language

2.1 Expressions

Internal forms of expressions

2.2 Definitions

Defining variables and functions

Immediate vs. delayed assignments

Piecewise-defined functions

Functions with multiple definitions

2.3 Predicates and Boolean operations


A predicate is a function that returns a value of true or false depending upon whether its argument passes a test.
For example, the predicate PrimeQ tests for the primality of its argument.

Other predicates are available for testing numbers to see whether they are even, odd, integral, and so on.

Relational and logical operators

3 Lists

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Creating and measuring lists List


Range[imin,imax, di] generates a list of ordered numbers starting from imin and going up to, but not exceeding, imax in increments of di.

If di is not specified, a value of one is used.

If neither imin nor di is specified, then both are given the value of 1.

It is not necessary for imin, imax, or di to be integers.

Measuring lists

3.3 Manipulating lists

Testing a list

The locations of specific elements in a list can be determined using the Position function.

Extracting elements

Rearranging lists

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