01_Robot Framework的安装

2018-08-07  本文已影响0人  今天我叫陈开心




pip install robotframework


4、quick start的操作说明


E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py login create fred P4ssw0rd
Usage: login.py { create | login | change-password | help }

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py login nobody P4ssw0rd
Access Denied

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py create fred P4ssw0rd

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py login fred P4ssw0rd
Logged In

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py login fred short
Access Denied

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py create fred short
Creating user failed: Password must be 7-12 characters long

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py create fred invalid
Creating user failed: Password must be a combination of lowercase and uppercase
letters and numbers

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py change-password fred wrong NeeP4ss
Changing password failed: Access Denied

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py change-password fred P4ssw0rd shor
Changing password failed: Password must be 7-12 characters long

E:\QuickStartGuide-master>python sut/login.py change-password fred P4ssw0rd NewP



*** Test Cases ***
*** Settings ***
*** Keywords ***
*** Variables ***
*** Variables ***
${USERNAME}               janedoe
${PASSWORD}               J4n3D0e
${NEW PASSWORD}           e0D3n4J
${DATABASE FILE}          ${TEMPDIR}${/}robotframework-quickstart-db.txt
${PWD INVALID LENGTH}     Password must be 7-12 characters long
${PWD INVALID CONTENT}    Password must be a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers

[Arguments] 参数1 参数2
命令 参数1 参数2
预期结果 状态

*** Keywords ***
Clear login database
    Remove file    ${DATABASE FILE}

Create valid user
    [Arguments]    ${username}    ${password}
    Create user    ${username}    ${password}
    Status should be    SUCCESS

Creating user with invalid password should fail
    [Arguments]    ${password}    ${error}
    Create user    example    ${password}
    Status should be    Creating user failed: ${error}

    [Arguments]    ${username}    ${password}
    Attempt to login with credentials    ${username}    ${password}
    Status should be    Logged In

# Keywords below used by higher level tests. Notice how given/when/then/and
# prefixes can be dropped. And this is a comment.

A user has a valid account
    Create valid user    ${USERNAME}    ${PASSWORD}

She changes her password
    Change password    ${USERNAME}    ${PASSWORD}    ${NEW PASSWORD}
    Status should be    SUCCESS

She can log in with the new password
    Login    ${USERNAME}    ${NEW PASSWORD}

She cannot use the old password anymore
    Attempt to login with credentials    ${USERNAME}    ${PASSWORD}
    Status should be    Access Denied
*** Settings ***
Library           OperatingSystem
Library           lib/LoginLibrary.py

Suite Setup       Clear Login Database
Test Teardown     Clear Login Database

Force Tags        quickstart
Default Tags      example    smoke
*** Test Cases ***
User can create an account and log in
    Create Valid User    fred    P4ssw0rd
    Attempt to Login with Credentials    fred    P4ssw0rd
    Status Should Be    Logged In

User cannot log in with bad password
    Create Valid User    betty    P4ssw0rd
    Attempt to Login with Credentials    betty    wrong
    Status Should Be    Access Denied

User can change password
    Given a user has a valid account
    When she changes her password
    Then she can log in with the new password
    And she cannot use the old password anymore

Invalid password
    [Template]    Creating user with invalid password should fail
    abCD5            ${PWD INVALID LENGTH}
    abCD567890123    ${PWD INVALID LENGTH}
    123DEFG          ${PWD INVALID CONTENT}
    abcd56789        ${PWD INVALID CONTENT}
    AbCdEfGh         ${PWD INVALID CONTENT}
    abCD56+          ${PWD INVALID CONTENT}



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