The whole part is machined with just 4 strategies: Global Roughing
Global Roughing
Z level Finishing (areas steeper than 30 degrees)
Optimised Z level Finishing (areas shallower than 45 degrees)
Contour Remachining

Global Roughing is used for initial roughing from both sides with Ø16mm R1 run at 5000mm/min, followed by Ø8mm ball at 4200mm/min, Ø6mm ball at 3200mm/min and Ø4mm ball at 4200mm/min.
全局粗加工时,首先使用D16 R1的刀具以5000mm/min的进给速度对头盔两侧进行原始开粗,随后依次用D8 球刀以5000mm/min,D6 球刀以3200mm/min,D4 球刀以4200mm/min进给速度进行开粗。
It is even used with Ø2mm & Ø1mm ball cutters to rough some detail areas at 800mm/min from a variety of angles to get into all the hard to access areas.
WorkNC甚至支持D2和D1 球刀,以800mm/min的进给速度,从多个角度对不易进入的区域进行再次开粗。

All the main finishing is done with Ø6mm ball from both sides running at 1760mm/min. The final remachining is then carried out to pick out all the detail from many different angles using Contour remachining with Ø2mm & Ø1mm ball cutters. This strategy is able to adapt to a Z level cutting method where the geometry is steeper and then back to a contouring method on the shallower areas. It is also using an “evolving” stepover where the passes morph to suit the changing radii that the cutter is following, to give a better surface finish in the corners.
WorkNC partnered with DMG Mori Seiki and Hitachi Tool to produce an intricatelifesize model of a pilot’s head and helmet for displaying on their booth at the Le Bourget International Paris Air Show in June.
The bust was machined from 10 aluminium blocks using WorkNC’s diverse 2D 3-axis, 3+2-axis and 5-axis toolpaths, all programmed with the latest release, Version 24.
此头盔由10个铝块加工而成,使用了WorkNC 2D 3轴 、3+2轴、5轴刀路,所有程序皆由当时最新版本WorkNC 24完成。

Thanks to the new Transformation functionality, toolpaths only had to be created for half the helmet. Symmetrical toolpaths were then reproduced with a single mouse click, eliminating additional calculation time, meaning the Mori Seiki DMU 60 eVo linear machine could start cutting metal considerably sooner.
得益于WorkNC的自动转化功能,只需要编辑头盔加工的一半刀路即可。单击鼠标自动生成对称的另一半刀路,缩短了额外计算时间,这意味着能够更快用于德马吉森精机 60 eVo linear进行加工。

DMG Milling Product Manager Denis Vernier says: “And there was never any danger of a costly collision, as WorkNC’s collision detection function includes the machining environment, tool holder, stock, and the machine itself.”
“Adjustments were not required to the post processor – the initial program was operational immediately, and whether it was a question of 5-axis positioned or 5-axis simultaneous strategies, the different machining phases succeeded each other seamlessly.”
DMG铣床产品经理 Denis Vernier说:“WorkNC能够对加工环境、刀柄和机床进行干涉碰撞检测,不会发生撞机,有效节约了成本。”“不需要调整后处理—可以直接使用初始程序。无论是5轴定位还是5轴联动加工,WorkNC都能够无缝连接不同加工阶段。”

WorkNC CAD/CAM Applications Engineer Jean Philippe Rey says the DMU 60 eVo was ideal for producing the extremely complex helmet, as it combines the flexibility of modern universal milling machines with the performance of vertical machining centres. Using cutting tools from Hitachi, the NC swivelling rotary table allowed 5-axis simultaneous interpolation for optimal surface machining.
WorkNC CAD / CAM应用工程师Jean Philippe Rey表示,DMU 60 eVo结合了现代万能铣床的灵活性和立式加工中心的高性能,非常适合加工极其复杂的头盔。利用日立刀具,NC回转工作台允许5轴同时插补,实现最佳表面加工。

Safe and reliable toolpaths 安全可靠的刀路
The helmet also benefitted from the Machining Context function, which grouped together all the different elements relative to the machine configuration. Denis Vernier says: “This was essential for such diverse WorkNC functionality as collision detection and automatic linking of 5-axis assembled toolpaths, which allowed us to set up all clamping systems and other fixtures to work safely, and within the limits of the machine tool.”
头盔加工受益于WorkNC能够整合所有加工环节的能力,组合加工需要的、不同的所有配置。Denis Vernier说: “ WorkNC干涉碰撞检测,联动五轴模块显得尤其重要,能够使我们建立不同的夹具系统,设置的夹具能够安全工作,并保证在机床极限范围内运行。 ”

Intuitive & automatic programming 直观的余料展示和自动化编程
Because the part was so complex, there were numerous rest material zones, especially around the visor and padding zone where the helmet links to the pilot’s head. It meant WorkNC’s new Rest Material Display complete analysis tool was used extensively in preparing toolpaths, by quickly identifying the zones. “This provided important time savings, especially for roughing routines, in order to minimise the zones before the finishing phase.”

With 100 hours of CAD preparation, 120 hours of CAM programming, and 170 hours of machining time, Jean Philipp Rey says the WorkNC, the Hitachi cutting tools and the DMU 60 eVo “excelled beyond all expectation” with rapid and automatic programming, safe and reliable toolpaths, and high performance machining, to produce the helmet for exhibiting at the prestigious air show.
我们花费了100个小时的CAD准备时间,120个小时的CAM编程时间,以及170个小时加工时间,Jean Philipp Rey说,WorkNC联合日立刀具和 DMU 60 eVo的加工效果“超越了所有期望”,实现了快速和自动化编程,安全可靠、高效率、高品质加工。此次头盔加工是为了参加业界享有盛名的航空展。