SUPPLEMENT: UNIT 6 Civility and

TEXT A Sunday in the Park
Good Usage
( Para. 1)
noises came muffled through the trees
flung around her shoulder
tucked away in a corner of the park
was all but deserted
side by side
her sense of well-being
go out in the sun
was cooped up
delighting in
frowning in concentration over …
threw … at …
Good Usage
Para. 2
search for…
get in somebody’seyes
take up
hold…closeto his face
look up from
turned her eyes away
Paras. 3-5
landed on
looked up at…
brush … out of …
learn to fight his own battles
lean forward
Paras. 6-9
go right ahea
felt a sudden weakness in her knees
glanced at
become aware of
looked at him from head to foot
feels like
lost his temper
was suffused with
an impotent rage against
involving him in a situation
alien to
Paras. 13-14
shut up
Her heart began to pound.
slid to the ground
flexed his great arms
pressed … together
pull him down
for some reason
Paras. 15-17
said unevenly
stood with his legs spread apart
looking at Morton with utter scorn
For a moment
looked at each other nakedly
turned his back on
lift … out
Paras. 18-19
sat sprawling
with head high
muttered through his teeth
Para. 20
defeat of reason by force
not worth thinking about
quickened her step
busy herself with her familiar tasks
KeyWords and Expressions for Text A
flung, flungmove (oneself or part of one’s bodyquickly or withforce)扑进,冲出;急伸,猛动(头、臂、腿等)
e.g. 1.The boys were playing on the river bank, flinging stonesinto the water.
2. People cheered and flung their hatsinto the air.
very small; slight微小的;些微的
e.g. 1. The sound was so faint that we couldn’t tell what itwas.
2. There’s still a faint hope that they might be alive.
a faint hope/possibility/chance, etc.微弱的希望/可能/机会等
not have the faintest idea根本不知道
faint light微光
be/feel faint with因…而感到虚弱
infmlstore in a
safe place〖非正式〗把...收藏在安全处,使隐藏
e.g. 1. A small stone house was tucked away at the foot of abeautiful mountain.
2.The cabin was tucked away in the woods behind the hills.
1. having no one present空无一人的
e.g.1) The car park isbusy in the day but almost deserted at night.
2) The coastal resorts are deserted in winter.
2. left by a person or people who do not intend to return废弃的,遗弃的
e.g. Thegovernment promised to pay more attention to the problems of deserted wives andchildren.
a deserted wife/husband/child被遗弃的妻子/丈夫/孩子
a deserted street/farm/building无人的街道/农场/楼房
left and no longer wanted, used or needed弃置不用的;荒废的;废弃的
e.g. 1. The factory had already been abandoned when the Japanesesoldiers found it.
2. All that digging had left a network of abandoned mines andtunnels.
an abandoned baby被遗弃的孩子
an abandoned house/car弃置不用的房子/汽车
abandoned hopes/dreams放弃的希望/梦想
(esp. of sth. bad) done on purpose or as
a result of careful planning; intentional(尤指坏事)故意的;深思熟虑的,盘算周到的
e.g. 1. It was not an accident. It wasa deliberate attempt to hurt him.
2. I don’t think that wasa mistake; I think it was deliberate.
She danced with abandoned enthusiasm.
take up
1. (of things or events) fill or use (space or time)(事物或事件)占用了(空间或时间)
e.g. 1) My kitchen utensils take uptoo much space. I need to give some of them away.
2) I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want totake up too much of your time.
2. become interested in a new activity and to spend time doingit
e.g. I took up cycling when I was at school.
3. start a new job or have a new responsibility接任(工作、责任)
e.g. Tom will take up the managementof the sales department.
4. accept a suggestion, an offer or a challenge, etc.接受(建议、提议、挑战等)
e.g.Schools are taking up the offer of cut-price computers.
5. continue to discuss or deal with an idea, problem, or suggestion继续(讨论、处理)
e.g. I’ll take up the story where youleft off.
[C,U](a) natural ability or tendency to act in a certain way,
without having to learn or think about it本能;天性;直觉
e.g.1. Don’t judge aperson by instinct. It can be wrong.
It is instinct that tells the birdswhen to begin their migration.
instinct强调动物的生物本能。如:Birds learn to fly by instinct。
intuition指的是不经过推理或逻辑判断,而是通过感觉直接明白或了解某事物真相的能力。如:I can’t explain how I knew— just had an
intuition that you’d been involved in an accident。
1.move or let down in height降下,把…放(移)低
e.g.1) He lowered his voice when he turned to talk to the child.
2) Very gently, he lowered the dogonto the rug.
2.(cause sth. to) become less in amount or quantity(使某事物)减少
e.g. The Central Bank has loweredinterest rates by two percent.
have a wish for; want想要
e.g.1. I don’t feel like joining the party thisweekend. I would rather stay home and have a good rest.
He didn’t feel like going to work.
loseone’s temper
become angry发脾气
e.g.1.My brother has atemper and can be very nasty sometimes.
Never lose your temper—it makes you look weak.
[(to)] change slightly, esp. inorder to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose or situation [常与to连用]调整,调节;校准;使合适
e.g. 1. It will take the newcomers some time to adjust to thelife in this city.
My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment.
The new students are very slow to
adapt / adjust to the rules.
walk with an uneven step, one foot or leg
moving less well than the other一瘸一拐地走,跛行
e.g. 1. He had to limp around for a while when one of his legswas injured.
The injured footballer limped slowly off the field.
Word Focus:
strollin a relaxed
way for pleasure
wanderwith no aim
or direction
stridein a
confident or angry way
hikefor long
distances in the countryside or the mountains
tiptoevery quietly
wadethrough water
staggerin an
unsteady way because you are drunk or injured
difficulty because one leg is hurt or injured
[U]calmness, formality, and seriousness of manner or style(风度等的)庄严;端庄;尊仪;威严
e.g. 1. Hedecided to quit with dignity rather than remain in a workplace where everybodylooked down upon him.
Patients should be allowed to die with dignity.
an event; a happening, esp. one that
is unusual发生的事,(尤指不平常的)事件
e.g. 1. Suchan unhappy incident set me thinking about the importance of educating our youngabout manners.
The spokesman said it was an isolated incident.
CF:incident, event,occurrence,happening
incident既可指小事件或附带事件,又可指政治上具有影响的事件或事变。例如:He could remember every trivial incident
in great detail。
event可指任何大小事件,但尤指历史上的重大事件。例如:The conference was an important social
occurrence多指日常生活中发生的一般事件,有时也指偶然发生的事。例如:Theoccurrenceof failure isinevitable and independent of man’s will.
happening指发生的一般事件,尤指奇怪事件。例如:There have been reports of strange happenings inthe town.
TEXT B: Respect