
2015-08-06  本文已影响0人  张驰zhang

今天真是忙碌的一天!今天开始要和韩国合作Need for speed的新版本,一大早就要参加产品计划会议,这并不是一个冗长,无聊,没有意义的会议,相反,不断有新的问题,技术难点被提出,并讨论了很多解决方案,整个会议过程充满了思辨;我也接受了两个对我很有挑战的任务,虽然有很大压力,但是我很高兴能够研究我之前不懂的技术点,这是一次提高的机会,至于能否按时完成任务,我先不考虑,我相信只要我全情投入,一定会顺利解决的。

Such a busy day today! From today on,we will make the new version of NeedForSpeed,and I attended a product -schedule meeting early in the morning.It was not a tedious,boring meeting,in the contrary,a lot of technical problems were brought up,many solutions were discussed,the whole process was inspiring.I took two challenging tasks,although it's hard for me,i am grateful for this opportunity to research new technology and improve myself.I am not keen to finish them on time,i believe the task will be done successfully if i devote all my passion,heart and soul.

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