
「雅思听力-图书馆」剑雅12Test 7-Section 1

2023-02-02  本文已影响0人  橙弗弗






本题有一定难度。On Friday we have a local author called Tanya Streep who's going to be talking about her new novel. It's called 'Catch the Mouse' and she based the story on a crime that actually took place here years ago.“周五我们将请-位名为Tanya Streep的当地作家讲述她的新小说。小说的书名是《捕鼠记》,是她根据很多年前发生在当地的一个真实的犯罪故事撰写的。”novel虽然容易定位,但是考生很容易听到story这个词。本题考查的核心理念词即为答案词crime。


SUSIE: Hello?

PAUL: Hi, Susie, it's Paul here. How are you? Enjoying your new job? You're working at the library, aren't you?

SUSIE: Yes. I started when the library re-opened a month ago. It's great.        

PAUL: Actually Carol and I have been meaning to join for a while.

SUSIE: Oh, you should. It doesn't cost anything, and the new library has all sorts of facilities. It's not just a place where you borrow books. For instance, there's an area with comfortable seats where you can sit and read the magazines they have there. Some people spend the whole morning there.嗯,你们应该来的。不需要花钱,而且新图书馆有各种各样的设施。它不仅仅是一个借书的地方。比如说,馆内有一片区域有很舒服的位子可以坐,还可以看那儿的杂志。有的人整个早上都在那。

PAUL: Mmm. Wish I had that amount of time to spend!

SUSIE: Yes, you must be pretty busy at present, with the children and everything?哦,你现在一定很忙吧,忙着照顾孩子什么的。

PAUL: We are, yes. But we're hoping to get away this summer. We're thinking of going to Greece.嗯,是的。不过我们希望这个夏天能出去度假。我们正考虑去希腊。

SUSIE: Well, we've got a much larger section of the library devoted to travel books now, so you should come and have a look. I can't remember if there's anything specifically on Greece, but I should think so.嗯,我们图书馆用于陈列旅游书籍的部分比以前大了很多,你可以过来看看。我不记得有没有专门讲希腊的书,但我想应该有。

PAUL:OK. Now Carol's organising a project for the history class she teaches at school — it's about life in the town a hundred years ago. Do you have anything that might be useful?好的。卡洛 目前正在为她在学校教的历史课组织一个活动,是关于100年前这个城市的生活的。你那有没有什么有用的资料?

SUSIE: Yes, actually we've now got a new section with materials on the history of the town and surrounding region.有的,事实上我们图书馆新开辟了一个部分,用于陈列这座城市及其周边区域的历史资料。

PAUL: Right. I'll tell her. You can't always find that sort of thing on the internet. Now in the old library there used to be a separate room with reference books. It was a really nice quiet room.好的,我会告诉她的。你不一定总能在网上找到这些东西。过去,在老图书馆里有一个单独的屋子存放参考书。那真是一个又安静又好的地方。

SUSIE: Yes. We've put those books in the main part of the library now, but we do have a room called the community room. It can be hired out for meetings. But at other times people can use it to study.是的,我们如今把那些书放在图书馆主馆,不过我们现在也有一个叫做社区用室的屋子。它可以被租出去用于开会,其他时候人们可以在里面学习。

PAUL:I might use that. It's hard to find anywhere quiet at home sometimes.

SUSIE:I can't remember how old your son and daughter are. We've introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers, but they might be a bit young for that?我不记得你的儿子、女儿多大了。我们开辟了一个专为青少年写的小说的单元,但他们可能还是小了一点。

PAUL: Yes, they would be.

SUSIE: Well, we do have lots of activities for younger children.

PAUL: Yes?

SUSIE: For example we have a Science Club. At the next meeting, they're going to be doing experiments with stuff that everyone has in the kitchensugar and flour and so on.比如说我们有一个“科学俱乐部”。 在俱乐部的下次会面上,孩子们会利用每家厨房里都有的东西--糖、面粉等做实验。

PAUL: They might be interested, yes.

SUSIE: And we have a competition for children called Reading Challenge. That doesn't begin until after the end of term. They have to read six books, and they get a certificate if they manage it.我们还有一个比赛叫做“阅读挑战”。这个比赛要到学期末过后才开始。他们要读完六本书,如果做到了的话就能得到一个证书。

PAUL: So that gives them something to do while they're on holiday, instead of getting bored.

SUSIE: That's the idea. And there's special activities for adults too. On Friday we have a local author called Tanya Streep who's going to be talking about her new novel. It's called "Catch the Mouse" and she based the story on a crime that actually took place here years ago.嗯,就是这么想的。图书馆也有针对成年人的特别活动。星期五,我们邀请了本地作家Tanya Streep来谈谈她的最新小说。小说名叫《Catch the Mouse》,里面的故事是基于一个很多年前在这里发生的一起犯罪事件。

PAUL: Right. We're not free on Friday, but I'll look out for the book.

SUSIE: Now this probably isn't for you, but we do have IT support available for members. We get quite a few older people coming along who are wanting to get up to speed with computer technology. It's on Tuesday mornings — they don't need to make an appointment or anything, they just turn up.

PAUL: Well, my mother might be interested, I'll let her know.

SUSIE:OK. And there's another service which you wouldn't expect from a library.

which is a free medical check-up.  The hospital arranges for someone to come along and measure the level of sugar in your blood. And they check cholesterol levels at the same time.

PAUL: Really?

SUSIE: Yes. but that's only for the over-60s, so you wouldn't qualify.

PAUL:OK, Well, I'll tell my mother, she might be interested.

SUSIE: What other information well, we do have a little shop with things like wall charts and greetings cards. And also stamps so you can post the cards straightaway, which is really useful.至于别的什么信息嘛!哦,我们还有一个小商店卖挂图、贺卡之类的东西,还有邮票,很有用,你可以在那直接把卡片寄出去。

PAUL: Yeah. Well, I'll bring the children round at the weekend and we'll join. Oh, one more thing — I'll be bringing the car, is there parking available?

SUSIE: Yes. and it's free in the evening and at weekends. 

PAUL: Perfect. Well, thanks, Susie, see you soon.

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