
2019-02-18  本文已影响0人  siuLimTau

Part I : Speaking

Course 1 : 基础语音

Lesson 1 : 发音器官介绍
  1. 上下唇:/p/, /b/, /m/
  2. 上齿 + 下唇:/f/, /v/(摩擦音)
  3. 上齿龈
    (1) 舌头切住齿龈:/t/, /d/
    (2) 舌头接近齿龈:/s/, /z/, /l/, /r/
  4. 腭和小舌:/ŋ /(小舌关闭出气位置,由鼻孔出气)
  5. 舌头 /æ/
  6. 喉头:/s/, /z/ (清辅音 & 浊辅音)
  7. 鼻腔:/ŋ /, /m/, /n/


Lesson 2 : 辅音R


  1. R的正确发音位置
    (1) 发音时,将整个嘴巴向前延伸,双唇努力地缩紧,形成圆形(5.....)。
    (2) 舌头部分贴近上腭,向里卷起。
  2. R在首字母的发音
    rock, ready, reach, read, road, rich
    The round rooster rushed into the wrong road.
  3. R在词尾的发音
    tiger, hear, scare, for, you're, thunder
    We were all surprised at seeing her there.
  4. R在词中的发音
    very, arrange, correct, every, erase, marry
    How are you? Very good.
  5. R与其他字母混合
    grape, through, breathe, agree, break, Australia
  6. 综合训练
    (1) Her career in the law firm is permanent.
    (2) Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover Truck.
    (3) Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.
    (4) The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.

