TranslationEssays & Ebullience 语言·翻译

Toasting over drinking table

2017-10-31  本文已影响35人  木棉飞雪Harry_Zhou

Dear fellas, do you ever wonder how wonderful the Chinesewisdoms are? Here they are. How inspiring they are:

1. Any party advocating temperance could just be an impotent tiger.

2. Shower me not, I am not going to toast you; cheers with me? I am going toshower you in glasses…

3. Drunkards, only drunkards are the pushers of the history wheels.

4. How could China, with its 1.3 billions, not drink?

5. True gallantry comes from liquor, giving you strength enough to stand andface your wife’s nagging.

6. The core factors which are shooting the rocketing price of liquor, are thoseleading cadres in power and state-owning entrepreneurs; and the very theoriesguiding us to campaign over drinking tables are as follows: drink a little toshow some request; get a buzz for a serious petition; Fine wine leads tosatisfactory results; visiting with no wine? Get out!

7. One’s capacity for liquor may vary, nevertheless, once your alcohol-phobiais conquered, you are a real, trustworthy guy; you are sentient beings,affectionate and faithful; you are delivered from pressure of your tigress wifeand delivered from vulgar taste, encouraging the domestic economy.

8. It’s O.K. to drink once; but only an admirable one keeps it going for a lifetime.

9. Toasting! Let’s make America great again! Cheers, let’s dream a Chinesedream! Dream in elegant bottles!

10. Drink for wellbeing! Sweet is alcohol! Wonderful is a drink! Drinkkk…well!

Translated by Yongjun Zhou during Thanksgiving 2016


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