12.17 universal
2018-12-17 本文已影响0人
1) 翻译:中国的全民教育取得了巨大的进步。
China has made great progress towards universal literacy.
2) It is a universal truth that a fluent command of English can act as a springboard to professional success.
3) 其他积累:
be, seem 普遍;好像共通
become 变得普遍
remain 仍然普遍
truly 确实普遍的
by no means, far from 绝非寻常;完全不普遍
Some of the teachers are technical specialists, but this is far from universal.
almost, near, nearly, virtually 几乎是普遍的; 接近共通;实际上通用
pretty 颇为普遍
apparently 显然普遍
supposedly 一般认为通用
supposedly universal standards 据称通用的标准
among 在… 中普遍
These practices remain universal among the islanders.
in 在…方面普遍
a scheme that is universal in scope